I hope someone can give me some guidance regarding DSL type and speed. I'm having DSL service started and want to get the best ping I can. This conversation is taken from the "General" section under "Poll:What Kind of Connection do u have?" Can those who are experts or semi-experts in this area help me out? I don't have much time before I have to make a final decision! Thanks!
Dual-line isdn here. However, changing to 384/384K sdsl within a few weeks. Hope it is as speedy as advertised.
Question for those who know these things: Is there any advantage to the sychronized dsl with a midrange up/down speed over the adsl with a large uplink/downlink difference?. In other words, which is a better choice, 768/128k adsl, or 384/384k sdsl? Is the 128k side a bottleneck that partially negates the 768 side in applications that depend on quick uplink AND downlink speeds (such as fps gaming)? Or would the 768/128k adsl have been a better choice for me than the 384/384k sdsl?
(note: 768/768k sdsl is offered by the ISP, but the expense for that got out of range
more uplink bandwith dusnt get you a lower ping
and 128k is more then enough to play any FPS
384k is not a improvent over 128k while playing
unless your running a server
with my 128k i can host 1 person
with 384k you can get 2 maybe 3
so not a great improvement there either
for just internet it CAN be a improvement but it totaly depends on what you want to do
if i where you i'd go the for adsl 768/128k as just about everybody downloads a lot more then they upload
there are ofcourse exeptions
I don't know, Countess...right now, I have a dual line isdn connection that's 128k (I get about 112 - 115 actual). With this, my ping is usually around 200 - 300 (150 at very best) on servers where many peeps are getting less than 100 at the same time. If my 128k connection is "more than enough to play any fps," then how are those other guys getting the 50 - 90 pings? Proximity to the server? My 384/384 is in the pipeline now, so I guess I'm going to find out firsthand if 384 gets a better ping than 128... .
the point i was trying to get accross theviper is that upload speed wont help your ping
i have 128 upload and just about allways have the lowest ping on our inforcers server
i see a sub40 sometimes
its you isdn and provider thats creating your "high" ping
switching to adsl/sdsl SHOULD reduce your ping
that is unless your adsl isp is crap ofcourse
so yes switching from 128k idsn to 384k dsl will lower ping
but so would switching from 128k idsn to 128k dsl
by the same amount
and a dual or single isdn dusnt get you a lower ping either just gives you a higher phonebill
rimmerlister : when i ran 1 on UT it was fine
when i ran 2 or 3 it crapped out
i was playing on it @ the time and my framerate was still high and it ran smothly so my CPU wasnt the problem
Countess you said, "the point i was trying to get across theviper is that upload speed wont help your ping"
What about download speed, will it help the ping? In other words, would you expect significantly better pings if you went from 128/128 (or even 384/384) sdsl to 768/128 adsl?
BTW, anyone else is welcome and encouraged to join in this discussion. Fish-or-cut bait time is rapidly approaching for me to designate dsl type and speed (the line was installed a few days ago, now awaiting final hookup by the ISP).
Dual-line isdn here. However, changing to 384/384K sdsl within a few weeks. Hope it is as speedy as advertised.
Question for those who know these things: Is there any advantage to the sychronized dsl with a midrange up/down speed over the adsl with a large uplink/downlink difference?. In other words, which is a better choice, 768/128k adsl, or 384/384k sdsl? Is the 128k side a bottleneck that partially negates the 768 side in applications that depend on quick uplink AND downlink speeds (such as fps gaming)? Or would the 768/128k adsl have been a better choice for me than the 384/384k sdsl?
(note: 768/768k sdsl is offered by the ISP, but the expense for that got out of range
more uplink bandwith dusnt get you a lower ping
and 128k is more then enough to play any FPS
384k is not a improvent over 128k while playing
unless your running a server
with my 128k i can host 1 person
with 384k you can get 2 maybe 3
so not a great improvement there either
for just internet it CAN be a improvement but it totaly depends on what you want to do
if i where you i'd go the for adsl 768/128k as just about everybody downloads a lot more then they upload
there are ofcourse exeptions
I don't know, Countess...right now, I have a dual line isdn connection that's 128k (I get about 112 - 115 actual). With this, my ping is usually around 200 - 300 (150 at very best) on servers where many peeps are getting less than 100 at the same time. If my 128k connection is "more than enough to play any fps," then how are those other guys getting the 50 - 90 pings? Proximity to the server? My 384/384 is in the pipeline now, so I guess I'm going to find out firsthand if 384 gets a better ping than 128... .
the point i was trying to get accross theviper is that upload speed wont help your ping
i have 128 upload and just about allways have the lowest ping on our inforcers server
i see a sub40 sometimes
its you isdn and provider thats creating your "high" ping
switching to adsl/sdsl SHOULD reduce your ping
that is unless your adsl isp is crap ofcourse
so yes switching from 128k idsn to 384k dsl will lower ping
but so would switching from 128k idsn to 128k dsl
by the same amount
and a dual or single isdn dusnt get you a lower ping either just gives you a higher phonebill
rimmerlister : when i ran 1 on UT it was fine
when i ran 2 or 3 it crapped out
i was playing on it @ the time and my framerate was still high and it ran smothly so my CPU wasnt the problem
Countess you said, "the point i was trying to get across theviper is that upload speed wont help your ping"
What about download speed, will it help the ping? In other words, would you expect significantly better pings if you went from 128/128 (or even 384/384) sdsl to 768/128 adsl?
BTW, anyone else is welcome and encouraged to join in this discussion. Fish-or-cut bait time is rapidly approaching for me to designate dsl type and speed (the line was installed a few days ago, now awaiting final hookup by the ISP).