Originally posted by Hourences
not ugly stupid bot, but cool robot
Originally posted by Ulukai
I was always hugely jealous of the kid who used to bring Optimus Prime into school, when all I had was some piss-poor £1.99 Beige MiniBot transformer thjng that changed into a Jeep.
Originally posted by Balton.de
i mean ok, g.i. joe was cool but transformers? I mean whats so special? seeing a car turning into a robot? or later insects into robots.... thats.... childish! I only had star wars firgures and ehrm.... Turtles. but only co they were in in these times. today i would rip of their limbs...
I dumped all of it...Originally posted by Ulukai
I still have my Star Wars figures and a snow speeder........they're worth quite a bit of money nowadays.
Chucked my X-Wing in the dustbin years ago, tho'. Argh. What was I thinking?
Originally posted by Ulukai
I still have my Star Wars figures and a snow speeder........they're worth quite a bit of money nowadays.
Chucked my X-Wing in the dustbin years ago, tho'. Argh. What was I thinking?