The weapons, that's right, the weapons
- Dispersion Pistol
True it didn't hold to the original DP in Unreal1, but it's still a handy little weapon
Primary fire was decently powerful given it's slow speed and the Altfire was pretty nasty at full charge
God this one was a blast to use. This is what the 2k4 AR should have been
It's actually useful in combat and the altfire had a quite a punch to use on enemies
- Grenade Launcher
6 nade types, easy to switch between them, and just as easy to choose between impact or timed fuses
For the love of all things holy I hope the cannistergun works like this thing did
- Shotgun
Now this is a shotgun! Even at medium range it was still pretty useful and the altfire was a really unique twist and just as effective
- Flamethrower
You can't beat being able to spell your name in napalm and then lighting it up to fry your enemies
- Grace
I want this fscking gun in real life, 3 round burst included
That's how sweet this gun is
- RL
No having to wait for your opponent to hold still long enough to get a lock, just make the lock come to them
My fav was to get a full 4 lock, then fire them straight up and lock 4 more
Death from above!
- Widowmaker
The scope alone makes this thing sweet.
Overzoom? Just scroll back, no need to unzoom and try again
The best was zooming in on an unsuspecting opponents head, damn near seeing the zit on his nose, then blowing his head off
- SpiderGun
Enemies running around like headless chickens covered in baby superspiders, what else is needed to say
- Drakk laserrifle
The design was just so sleek and technorganic, it just screamed "I'm a fscking badass, do not mess with me"
And the whole plasma flamethrower altfire said the same
- Takkra
Is it a shield? Is it a spear? Who cares?! It was great to have a little swarm of those things zipping around shooting down projectiles and enemies alike
- Dispersion Pistol
True it didn't hold to the original DP in Unreal1, but it's still a handy little weapon
Primary fire was decently powerful given it's slow speed and the Altfire was pretty nasty at full charge
God this one was a blast to use. This is what the 2k4 AR should have been
It's actually useful in combat and the altfire had a quite a punch to use on enemies
- Grenade Launcher
6 nade types, easy to switch between them, and just as easy to choose between impact or timed fuses
For the love of all things holy I hope the cannistergun works like this thing did
- Shotgun
Now this is a shotgun! Even at medium range it was still pretty useful and the altfire was a really unique twist and just as effective
- Flamethrower
You can't beat being able to spell your name in napalm and then lighting it up to fry your enemies
- Grace
I want this fscking gun in real life, 3 round burst included
That's how sweet this gun is
- RL
No having to wait for your opponent to hold still long enough to get a lock, just make the lock come to them
My fav was to get a full 4 lock, then fire them straight up and lock 4 more
Death from above!
- Widowmaker
The scope alone makes this thing sweet.
Overzoom? Just scroll back, no need to unzoom and try again
The best was zooming in on an unsuspecting opponents head, damn near seeing the zit on his nose, then blowing his head off
- SpiderGun
Enemies running around like headless chickens covered in baby superspiders, what else is needed to say
- Drakk laserrifle
The design was just so sleek and technorganic, it just screamed "I'm a fscking badass, do not mess with me"
And the whole plasma flamethrower altfire said the same
- Takkra
Is it a shield? Is it a spear? Who cares?! It was great to have a little swarm of those things zipping around shooting down projectiles and enemies alike