What I liked about Unreal2

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if (Driver == Bot.Pawn); bGTFO=True;
Aug 24, 2002
The weapons, that's right, the weapons

- Dispersion Pistol
True it didn't hold to the original DP in Unreal1, but it's still a handy little weapon
Primary fire was decently powerful given it's slow speed and the Altfire was pretty nasty at full charge

God this one was a blast to use. This is what the 2k4 AR should have been
It's actually useful in combat and the altfire had a quite a punch to use on enemies

- Grenade Launcher
6 nade types, easy to switch between them, and just as easy to choose between impact or timed fuses
For the love of all things holy I hope the cannistergun works like this thing did

- Shotgun
Now this is a shotgun! Even at medium range it was still pretty useful and the altfire was a really unique twist and just as effective

- Flamethrower
You can't beat being able to spell your name in napalm and then lighting it up to fry your enemies

- Grace
I want this fscking gun in real life, 3 round burst included
That's how sweet this gun is

- RL
No having to wait for your opponent to hold still long enough to get a lock, just make the lock come to them
My fav was to get a full 4 lock, then fire them straight up and lock 4 more
Death from above! :D

- Widowmaker
The scope alone makes this thing sweet.
Overzoom? Just scroll back, no need to unzoom and try again

The best was zooming in on an unsuspecting opponents head, damn near seeing the zit on his nose, then blowing his head off :D

- SpiderGun
Enemies running around like headless chickens covered in baby superspiders, what else is needed to say

- Drakk laserrifle
The design was just so sleek and technorganic, it just screamed "I'm a fscking badass, do not mess with me"
And the whole plasma flamethrower altfire said the same

- Takkra
Is it a shield? Is it a spear? Who cares?! It was great to have a little swarm of those things zipping around shooting down projectiles and enemies alike


Snagged an item.
Aug 27, 2004
All Hallows Sunset
For what it's worth I'll add in my own 2 cents...

Intresting, struck me more like something thrown in so they could say, "see, there're a few things returning from U1" The overcharge animation was well-done, and I really appreciated being able to carry a charge.

I'm not too hot on Assault Rifles, but the alt is pretty fun. Could have used a more powerful primary fire sound, but that goes for pretty much every video-game AR ever, so...

Shotgun/Crowd Pleaser
Shoulda' been a flak cannon, at least to some extent. I've seen explosive rounds before in countless weapon mods and it just comes off too derivative.
"While everyone else was making gray basements with shotguns, we were making floating cties with flak cannons" -CliffyB That's the primary thing I have against U2, it turned floating cities with flakcannons into gray basements with shotguns...

Beutiful effects, didn't feel powerful enough. Great for taking out little spiders but I don't recall using it that much. I tried to set traps with the secondary, but my tactical skill must be too lacking to use it effectively. It always seemed more appropriate to use another, more direct, method of attack, which I'm chaling up to me just not knowing the best time to use it.

The beta version of Unreal's sniper rifle in the palm of my hand... Nice.

Like the Snarks but useful, if only because they didn't turn right around and attack you instead.

It seemed like every weapon mod that came out had 500 grenade types and I was just tired of it. This just came off as derivative and amaturish to me.

This one was fun. Reminded me of the times I tried to play Panzer Dragoon.

Loved it. Everything about it. And I'm not usually one for sniping at all.

Shock Lance
Wish I'd been given it more often, if onyl for the EMP ability. Other than that it never felt powerful enough for me to want to risk using it in general combat.

Useful, fun, intresting little gadgets.

Drakk Laser
Umm, intresting. Really flet pretty neutral about this one, although the reload animation was amusing.

Black Hole Gun
Seen it, kinda' tired of it, even then.
As for what I specifically liked about U2, it continued Epic's seeming trend of never having a white-male protagonist (Unreal's Nali referr to their saviour as a "Princess" in Bluff, Malcolm won Ut99, so he's the "protagonist" there, Gorge won 2003, but A: 2003 got kinda' glossed-over once 2k4 hit the scene, and B: Gorge is more of an antagonist, ayway, you play as him by default, but he's pretty much the bad guy, and then Jakob wins 2k4, and UC2 has Anubis, who's got that Egyptian phenotype going)
I also liked its bittersweet ending. When Unreal games actually have stories to them, they're usually meloncholy endings. Even RtNP, even though you defeat the WarLord and the Bodega, there was that Nali skeleton saying, for now, everythin must come to an end....
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BUF Refugee
May 5, 2005
Baile Atha Cliath, Eireann
Every other game in the entire universe has a white male protagonist!
I don't see the need for one more! Anytime a female protagonist features in a game, its to get her rack out, to sell to idiots!


New Member
Nov 14, 2005
k, now move on to stage 2: XMP

btw, i liked the whole game, specially the levels where you have a handfull marines :)
and a flakcannon wouldnt fit with the rest imo
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if (Driver == Bot.Pawn); bGTFO=True;
Aug 24, 2002
gregori said:
Every other game in the entire universe has a white male protagonist!
You talking about Isaak? Cuz the Marshall was black
nuttella said:
I liked the Liandri chicks, and Aida's boobs.
Was wondering how long it would take for someone to post this

Sijik, I agree the CAR could have used a more powerful sounding firesound


Snagged an item.
Aug 27, 2004
All Hallows Sunset
gregori said:
Every other game in the entire universe has a white male protagonist!
I don't see the need for one more! Anytime a female protagonist features in a game, its to get her rack out, to sell to idiots!

Uh... eh,, I'm not sure how to respond to that so I'll just clarify what I was saying. I like how, like nearly all of the other Unreal games, Unreal2 also does not have a white male protagonist, for exactly the reason you cited...


BUF Refugee
May 5, 2005
Baile Atha Cliath, Eireann
Ok! Though you said the opposite!

My mistake!

I'd rather bothers me that the Japanese merc in unreal 2, don't speak japanese, don't have a japanese accent and have nothing to do with japan except for the name!

What i liked about U2, the raining forest level!


BUF Refugee
May 5, 2005
Baile Atha Cliath, Eireann
As far as I remember, the ghost warriors are meant to follow the samurai code,
Izanagi is just the Corporation that uses them, in fact thier skins are japanese.
Hearing them speak in broad american accents sounded silly, and was a waste of an opportunity. Anything thats irrelavent in a story should be axed!

It would have been 5 million % cooler if they spoke in harsh japanese accents,
that were subtiled in english at the bottom, using the universal translator(unreal 1), They should have had energy samurai swords, like the weapons in UC2!!

What i definetly liked about U2, surface of the planet Hell! That and the spidergun


Jul 1, 2005
SmotPoker said:
What I liked about U2:
Exactly... but U2 WAS an excellent SP game too. All of the weapons felt perfect . Anyone who thinks the shotgun should've been a flak-cannon... I hate you. More than anything... I hate you.


BUF Refugee
May 5, 2005
Baile Atha Cliath, Eireann
As much as i like U2 shotgun, Flak cannon is a much more original weapon, and a more visceral feeling to it! The CAR from U2 secondary fire functions like a Flak cannnon in anyway!


Think Pink
Jun 16, 2004
gregori said:
As much as i like U2 shotgun, Flak cannon is a much more original weapon, and a more visceral feeling to it! The CAR from U2 secondary fire functions like a Flak cannnon in anyway!
You use! a lot of exclamation marks!

The subliminal lilt at the end of each of your sentences is killing me slowly.