Beppo said:
Bocage, Pueblo and other stuff not released within the official 2.9 release version will see the public sooner or later. No need to cry for it now... you will get them once some things are sorted out.
pueblo , i can wait , but bocage , i cant , because it is a map that represent my holy country (/me puts hand on the hearth)
on another side note , i would like to ask old geezer authorisation to make the EAS Version of macedonia night. i can accept to let him pretest the map once finished, have a right to accept/refuse the finished map.
i already have the objectives and layout in mind..
it is a big assault on town..
that includes :
2 separate spawns :
the first defender spawn would be in the center house, then move.
attackers have to : -place explosive in 2 houses (to make them burn , for no reason but they hate macedonians so its a valid reason
-capture the main building.
-take a Cd in the same building and grab it back to the spawn
-capture another building on the center
-maybe capture some other buildings
(no special orders for the objectives)
optional objectives :
-secure the woody hill (we suppose the ennemy to have one RPG launcher ) , when secured, a chopper comes and provide suppressive fire at ennemies on this hill or next to the hill (like a sniper class, range = 50-60 meters) , making the attack easyer.(preventing ennemies snipers)
it would take some work , i will have time next semestre