what do you think sf or swat

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Commander in Chief o' the BMA
Mar 17, 2000
Ottawa, Ontario
Whoever voted for SWAT has obviously never tried playing it. /infopop/emoticons/icon_rolleyes.gif

Another funky radical bombtrack started as a sketch in my notebook


push the limits
Jan 23, 2000
Don't think that's fair Bad.Mojo, not that I don't want you to express your opinion (please do, I always enjoy reading your posts...are you a writer or so ? You can always say simple things with so many words /infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif ). My view might be a little biased since after all I'm a TO (yep, name is changed to Tactical Ops) betatester, but I really can't see what's so bad about it. I understand you don't like playing it much, but you have to admit it worked out pretty nice for a first beta. Just a little disappointed with you that you just bash it like that (not really bashing but still, I felt a bit offended).

Anyway, we all know inf 2.8 is gonna kick serious @ss, but I'm sure Tactical Ops beta 2 will also be a lot more develloped than it is now. I don't know about Strikeforce, I hope they keep developping it at full speed for UT, but it doesn't look like it nowadays.

Andirez - TeamDuck


Commander in Chief o' the BMA
Mar 17, 2000
Ottawa, Ontario
Let me tell you something... its the LITTLE things that make up life, not the big things. Yes, SWAT is a kick-ass mod, it shows ALOT of potential, and I readily admit that. Its the LITTLE things about SWAT that drive me nuts. Why are terrorists selling cocaine? Why is cocaine spelled wrong? Why does the marijuana have a needle lying next to it? Why does the SWAT team have the ability to buy AK-47s? Why does the SWAT team have to buy equipment at all? Why are all the hostages dressed in white nike windbreakers making it look like the terrorists kidnapped four or five people from a local mountain biker's convention? AND WHERE IS THE TENTACLE RAPE? Its all the little things like that that annoy me. My personal recommendation: More tentacle rape. Anime-style cartoon school girls being violated by green devil penises bigger than your average steroid user is sure to add class and style to any mod.

Oh, and maybe changing it so its not so much like Counter-Strike with weed would be a good idea too.

Though I'll say one thing. SWAT first public beta looks a helluva lot better than CS's first public beta did. So maybe in a year's time SWAT will have grown into itself, which I assume the case will be.

Another funky radical bombtrack started as a sketch in my notebook


Commander in Chief o' the BMA
Mar 17, 2000
Ottawa, Ontario
I don't think that that's very far at all. I think I was actually being nice. All those things (except the tentacle rape, I just through that in for all the anime-knowers out there who would get it) should be changed from the game. It gives it that really weird feel.

You ever seen Naked Lunch? Playing SWAT is like playing Naked Lunch. Everything is SORTA the way it should be, but not quite.

Another funky radical bombtrack started as a sketch in my notebook


push the limits
Jan 23, 2000
I don't mind little details like that as I'm sure almost nobody else does. The mod is just for fun and not to nag about stuff like marijuana with a needle. And if you have problems with things like that, you must be really tormented in real life. Maybe that's why you always have an angry smilie, feeling sorry for you.

<html><body link="AA6F19" alink="FBD126" vlink="AA6F19"><font face="Arial, Swiss, Helvetica" size="-2">Andirez
- Tactical Ops Beta Tester
- Andirez Reallife Mapping</font></body></html>


Absens haeres non erit (Soccerdad)
Sep 19, 1999
T.O. over SF

Off topic??? OH YES!
I agree wholeheartedly with Good.Mojo (piss you off Bad.Mojo? /infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif) in his review of T.O.
But I still have T.O. installed but got rid of SF as soon as I dared to. Why?
Well, SF just didn't cut it. Bad bot AI and a few other things. But to bring the topic back from total Off-Topic I'll say this in parting; Infiltration holds the number one spot with T.O coming in second.

One more thing; When you consider the age of the T.O. developing team you have to be pretty impressed with what they've achieved!

Borderline post?

Quem Iupiter vult perdere dementat prius

(Whom Jupiter wishes to destroy, he first makes mad)


push the limits
Jan 23, 2000
I still have SF on my hd, but i don't play it. Inf 2.75 on the other hand /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif

Now what's keeping inf 2.8 so long ? Probably those little details /infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif.

<html><body link="AA6F19" alink="FBD126" vlink="AA6F19"><font face="Arial, Swiss, Helvetica" size="-2">Andirez
- Tactical Ops Beta Tester
- Andirez Reallife Mapping</font></body></html>


Commander in Chief o' the BMA
Mar 17, 2000
Ottawa, Ontario
Yiah, SF's bot support is terrible. I forgot about that. The only thing that they seem to be able to do okay is get their weapons. And that's another thing, there's no weapon limitations in either of the mods... you can gleefully carry around insane amounts of firepower.

As for what you said, Andirez, I told you already. Its the little details that I notice. If a web site says "THIS IS A REALISTIC MOD FOR UNREAL TOURNAMENT" and starts giving MAC-10s and AK-47s to SWAT teams and throwing needles down with the marijuana, that's not to realistic. If the website said "Remember playing cops and robbers as a kid? Now you can play it as a pre-pubescent UT geek!", well that would be different.

Another funky radical bombtrack started as a sketch in my notebook

Christopher Webb

Overtly Serious Chappy.
I agree entirely with Bad.Mojo. We need more cute little anime girls being done over by tentacles and pyschic demons who can disintergrate sailor suits with willpower alone.

oh, yeah, and SWAT (or OT, or whatever) is meant to be REALISTIC. That same logic of 'just for fun' could be used to justify anything from a minigun to a plasma-ray.

<insert cute/ interesting/ bizarre signature here>


push the limits
Jan 23, 2000
Swat isn't intended to be that realistic at all, the action side is much more important. I think that's the main difference with infiltration, inf goes for total realism, SWAT doesn't. The logo may say "the ultimate counterterrorism mod for UT" but that doesn't mean it's going to be as realistic as possible. I sure understand your point of view Bad.Mojo, but I'm just saying that SWAT isn't intended to be like that. You're wrong about the amount of firepower however, you can only have a certain amount of that in TO.

<html><body><font face="Arial, Swiss, Helvetica" size="-2">
Tactical Ops Beta Tester
Andirez Reallife Mapping</font></body></html>


Commander in Chief o' the BMA
Mar 17, 2000
Ottawa, Ontario
Lifted directly from SWAT's about section:

S.W.A.T is a realistic multiplayer teamplay Modification (MOD) for Unreal Tournament (UT). The game is based around two teams, the elite S.W.A.T team of the American police force (but we are aiming for more of "Special Weapons and Tactics" rather than the police S.W.A.T) and terrorists from around the world. S.W.A.T will introduce realistic weapons, maps, gameplay modes and never seen before scenarios. For the first few betas we will be accepting only 21st century realistic combat areas but in the future we may advance to military WW2 scenarios and futuristic areas, but that is still a maybe.

It fairly clearly states its aim is for realism. It also completely contradicts this statement by saying "We're aiming for more special weapons and tactics than a police SWAT"... Well, a police SWAT is a special weapons and tactics team. It says "american police"... as far as I know, the only police force in the world with a SWAT Team is the LAPD. It goes on about crap about the WWII which occured about thirty years before the SWAT team was created.


You can't argue with the facts, jack.

Another funky radical bombtrack started as a sketch in my notebook


science begets death
Jul 18, 1999
Actually, nearly every large city in the US has some sort of a SWAT team. LAPD was just one of the first, if not the first, and usually considered the finest.

<FONT SIZE=2 color="#A5AA56">Catalyst</FONT><FONT SIZE=1 color="#A5AA56">
Former Infiltration Programmer/Co-Founder</FONT>


push the limits
Jan 23, 2000
Bad.Mojo, SWAT wants realism, but only to a certain level. Infiltration goes a lot further regarding the amount of realism. Anyway, I'm going to stop arguing about this 'cause it's not getting anywhere. If you enjoy a mod you should play it, otherwise simply don't... it's as simple as that.

<html><body><font face="Arial, Swiss, Helvetica" size="-2">
Tactical Ops Beta Tester
Andirez Reallife Mapping</font></body></html>


Commander in Chief o' the BMA
Mar 17, 2000
Ottawa, Ontario
As far as I know, the LAPD is the only one who's TACTICAL UNIT IS ACTUALLY NAMED 'SWAT'.

Most people incorrectly assume that its a SWAT team, that's a general misnomer.The media doesn't help. Usually they're "HRT"s (Hostage Rescue Teams) or "TRU"s (Tactical Response Units).

I'm not 100% positive on this, but I've looked into it, and out of about a dozen or so major North American cities, the only time a police force has official called a platoon a "SWAT Team" is in the LAPD. Most other stuff is just general "civilians deciding to call it SWAT anyways" stuff.

Another funky radical bombtrack started as a sketch in my notebook