First of all I want to thank u for reading this thread.
Following Problem:
I and my friends are working on a mod for ut2k3. I'm the modler, animator and skinner. Now, I stuck in the animation stuff. I have found tutorials how to animate charakters with bones, but the characters in ut2k3 are animated with ,,biped objects´´.So what are they exactly?? Are they equal to bones?? How must I use them?? Are there any good tutorials which handle this (because I nearly found nothing about them)??? I've tried to animate them but it didn't work.
I'm using 3ds max 4.2.
Following Problem:
I and my friends are working on a mod for ut2k3. I'm the modler, animator and skinner. Now, I stuck in the animation stuff. I have found tutorials how to animate charakters with bones, but the characters in ut2k3 are animated with ,,biped objects´´.So what are they exactly?? Are they equal to bones?? How must I use them?? Are there any good tutorials which handle this (because I nearly found nothing about them)??? I've tried to animate them but it didn't work.
I'm using 3ds max 4.2.