way sensitive mouse

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Monkey in a bucket
Dec 1, 2001
dx*dp >= h/4pi
Visit site
my mouse is so sensitive that it is hard to do anything while in vertext edit mode, so I usually do it one at a time, but that takes forever. anyone know how to make it less sensitive?(other than decrease the overall sensitivity?)


Go in drains
Nov 3, 2001
York, UK
Vertex edit mode is w3rd. From what I can tell, all other modes move vertecies or whatever based on how far you move your mouse.
I think vertex edit mode doesn't mode the vertecies at all until you are moving you mouse at a certain velocity depending on the grid size.
Try having a grid size 16 or 32 and moving your mouse really slow and they won't move at all, but if you only move your mouse a small way but really quickly then they will move :mad:

Also, unlike normal camera mode, vertex edit mode take no notice on how far zoomed in you are in the viewport :(