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Lord of the Pants
Nov 3, 2001
Hiding in your Attic
Here's what I have:

One Gradual Mover Door.

Two Dispatchers, and two Triggers.

The triggers are PlayerProximity, when one is opened, they trigger their own Dispatcher.

The Dispatchers have 5 similar OutEvents. (Only one Dispatcher is active at one time, and the only difference between the two is that they goto slightly different object names and different keyframes for the door.)

The first and second OutEvents goto the two triggers, so that they are turned off. The two triggers have the InitialState of "OtherTriggerTurnsOff".

The third OutEvent opens the respective keyframe tag as specified by whether I want the door to open in or out, which is respective to which side of the door is triggered. Basically, It opens the door in the "proper" direction.

The fourth and fifth OutEvents are supposed to turn the two Triggers back on. And their Event matches that of the two tags for the two triggers.

The Delay times have been set to .1 for fun.

I've also tryed the triggers as "OtherTriggerToggles" and that also does not work.

I've tinkered with this for a whole week and can't solve it. Can someone offer some words of wisdom?


Go in drains
Nov 3, 2001
York, UK
Errmmm, I don't see why that wouldn't work. What exactly happens at the moment, (or doesn't happen)?

You could always download DM-Falkenstein, that has a new mover script for doors so that they open the 'correct' way depending on which side you aproach them from.


New Member
Aug 29, 2000
im too tired to get it now but

The first and second OutEvents goto the two triggers, so that they are turned off. The two triggers have the InitialState of "OtherTriggerTurnsOff".

if the intial state is off, then how can you turn it off again in object ?? and under object should be the state you want in the actor you want, so if you wanna trigger thing2 with thing1, then not thing1 has something in object state, but thing 2 has, othertriggersturnon or something else, the destination has the state

and you need toggle mode


Lord of the Pants
Nov 3, 2001
Hiding in your Attic
Originally posted by Hourences
yes that toggle, you said you want it too toggle the doors, so it wont work with trigger off cause that doesnt toggle :rolleyes:

the object state is in the right actor right ? the destination one

Okay, I misunderstood. Both the Triggers and the mover itself are set to Triggertoggle. All that happens is that it makes the click sound from TO, when you try to "use" something.


Lord of the Pants
Nov 3, 2001
Hiding in your Attic
I looked at Flakenstein, and there was something in the review about them not working properly. I'm kinda runnin outa idea on this one, but we'll see...