Wanted: Level reviewer/UED expert

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(i was geek but now i'm chic)
Project: Web based utility is in development that reads 80+ tags from a ut2 file. Users fill out a form on my site and it's analyzed offline. The results are posted online. This is web based because reporting capabilities will be continually evolving. Users will be able to compare their map's stats to BU 7.0+, UP 70+, Ownage, Epic/DE maps.

Example: It seems logical that a "health damage index" could be determined by figuring out how much health exists vs how much damage exists on a given level. We wade through the map and look for every occurance of flak ammo, multiply it by the number of rounds in the ammo pack, and multiply that by the min and max damage flak gives. Repeat for all weapons and health on the level.

Victoria: 5.32
Nirvana][: 6.88
Hygog: 11.46

Generally speaking, Victoria almost has twice as much health as Hygog on a damage/health currency. Is Hygog a bloodbath or is Victoria too snuggly friendly with health? Granted, level flow has a big effect on this but I'm looking for generalizations.

Your job: Help me "evolve" the reports. With your experience, you will dream up meaningful ways to cut the data to discover the hidden gems that can benefit the community. You'll tell me why a report is junk. Essentially, you're the "project manager" and I'm the peon who writes your report. We'll communicate by exchanging two or three emails per day.

The goal: Reduce time spent play testing. Give people an idea where on some scale their level falls, technically (not aesthetically). Give people the ability to make educated guesstimates based upon what currently exists.

Current status: Client is done, database is done, critical web pages are done. Basic reporting is done.

To do: "Intelligent" reporting. Verify/update min/max damage for each weapon/pickup. Get BU7+, UP70+, ownage, and Epic/DE maps processed and into database.

In the end, hopefully answers other than "whatever feels right" can be found for:
"how much adrenaline should I put on my map?"
"for 10 players, is 5 rocket ammo packs too much or not enough?"
"how many ambientsounds should i use?"
"what should I set min and max players to?"
"do all ownage maps have a flak cannon?"

I know software can't be written to automatically rate a level. I'm simply suggesting that you can figure out a lot about a level based upon the number of players...and in that there might be something interesting.

If you're interested in helping out, drop me a line along with links to reviews of your maps. Not trying to be an elitist, just trying to make sure I have the right people telling me what needs to be done:


This idea grew out of my own desire to try to find more concrete answers for some of the currently very subjective questions. Besides...at the very least it'll be fun to see what's going on out there.
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(i was geek but now i'm chic)

Rough, rough. Ignore the pickup counts. Still in development but here's a view from 1000 yards of what Epic maps are like:


Sorry for the ugliness, the real site is nicer but it's being developed locally so none of the dependent files are online...so that's just output I copied to excel and saved out as html.

So now, you can be a real UT geek and when someone asks "how many static meshes should I use in my map?" you can say, "well, Epic averages 700.35"

Geeky neat.


(i was geek but now i'm chic)
I looked around but didn't really see where he has that I'm doing. He's got a lot of good stuff but I didn't see anywhere where he's looking INSIDE of the map to see what objects are there. I see where he's showing what's in the zips, though...

Something I missed?

Thanks for the link, btw...he's good some neat hooks...