Wanted : botnames ...

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bugs are features too ...
Nov 5, 2000
I'm sure pretty much everyone wants to get rid of Alarik, Visse & co.
Some mods already have bots with different names (Tactical Ops & Pearman are examples), but you might find those stupid, offensive or just plain boring.

However thinking of 32 (or more if you use the Xbots-mutator) different names for your bots can be a real challenge.

To lighten the load I'm adding a "random botnamegenerator" to the next version of the Bot-editor I'm working on.

Since I can only think of so many names myself & the ng-code is done I post this request.

How does it work ? (see attached screenshot)
The ng creates a name by selecting an item from 3 lists (named 'prefix', 'center' & 'suffix').
If the item refers to a file (= another namegenerator) than that one is used to create that part.

Example :
List 1 "Uber, Evil"
List 2 "" (empty lists are possible)
List 3 "Cool, killer, Fragger"

This could result in "Uber"+""+"Cool", "Uber"+""+"killer", ... "Evil"+""+"Fragger"
There are a few settings that allow the ng pick no entry instead, so you could have create "Fragger" as a name using these lists.

There is no need to use '1337'-speak, as an option to convert the name(s) to '1337' is going to be part of the generator-settings in the future.

So put your thinking cap on ... and you might see your names in the next version of the JBE (or in the next alfa-version if you're a betatester *hint* ;) )


bugs are features too ...
Nov 5, 2000
of course it looks good ... I made it :p
Now where are those lists ?


Earning my Infrequent Flier miles
Aug 10, 2000
Are you saying you want names?

Now think about your question, and the guy who is prepared to answer it, carefully :D


bugs are features too ...
Nov 5, 2000
Do you really think I will use *any* name ???
Altough you may post any list you want ... I still decide which are good enough for me to include and which I won't touch with a ten-foot pole :p

Names should fit this format : prefix-center-suffix
However as the parts are randomly chosen you should consider these options too :

Your name probably would end up as :
and altough 'Nemephosis' would be one of the results, there's far more chance that you'll see :
'Neme'+''+'fragger'=> "Nemefragger"
'death'+''+'phosis' => "deathphosis"


bugs are features too ...
Nov 5, 2000
It's getting better ...

(still need those lists though ;))

I've got an alternative namegenerator that gets 'good' results even with a limited list.

Example :
I take all 32 default botnames in UT (ie Alarik, Viss, etc.)
feed them in this thing ...
and I can generate usable names :
0 = Aracus
1 = Barak
2 = Calane
3 = Cilichon
4 = Crys
5 = Lia
6 = Nith
7 = Nithea
8 = Rag
9 = Saragothe
If you're really lucky you can get the exact names back again.
If the list is big & varied enough that chance will be pretty small.

Another attempt using 'real' names :
0 = Darto
1 = Evielony
2 = Heas
3 = Herley
4 = Irvine
5 = Israpoley
6 = Sylvince
7 = Truck
8 = Ulfond
9 = Wel

altough sometimes you get names like " Youndanumberee" :lol: