Want to set up Freeze Tag Server forgot how...

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New Member
Jan 1, 2011
I have an RPG Invasion server up right now... but forgot how to set up for new game types...
I want to set up a Freeze tag server... can someone help me with the steps to do that?


New Member
Sep 13, 2005
When you say "Freeze tag server", do you mean Freon (see [url =ut2004://]Here[/url]

If so, I should be able to help. That server is running a Freeze tag/Freon variant gametype we've been refining over the last few years.


New Member
Jan 1, 2011
I have set up servers before... I just can't remember how to get it to do what I want... I have a server up... it's the *VIP* invasion server... so if you could help to refresh my memory maybe we could do something... and by the way... are you Piglet that is Roo's son? I knew Roo way back from the early days is why I ask... and if it is you, or for anyone who wants to listen... I was devistated by the loss... she was a friend... but if not thanx for any help I can get...


fps greater than star
Dec 7, 2000
The Nicest Parts of Hell
What he's saying is, freeze tag doesn't come with the game. You have to download something user made, and as such there is no "official freeze-tag."

You'll have to add packages to your server.