UE2 - UT2kX WALL-E Good Idea or Bad Idea ?

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Old fart on top the mountain.....
I dunno, I mean there is a Johnny-5 UT2004 Model. Why not a Wall-e? but UT3 might really be taxing on the average modeler and a UT2004 Edition? I dunno I'm throwing it out on the table for discussion AYE or NAY and your reasoning for your decision please?


Jun 4, 2008
hmm how bout a bot that controls bots and sends them into battle into you so you can fight them for all enternity and when you win the battle you fight the leader like akasha at the end and see malcolm on a t.v laughing at you cause she really isn't the boss but you then build a nother bot that will lead other bots into battle so that you don't have to fight anymore and be able to lead your family to matrimony and live happliy ever after only to find out that malcolm survived the swarm of bots you sent to him and was able to reprogam them so that they will return to your and lie about killing malcolm and when they return they tuck you in at night and say hey little baby don't you cry momma gonna sing you a lulaby but you are then gassed by the leader wall-e and the bots then begin raping you children and killing your wife because you are sleep and when you wake up you realize that THIS WAS A BAD IDEA.


Old fart on top the mountain.....
hmm how bout a bot that controls bots and sends them into battle into you so you can fight them for all enternity and when you win the battle you fight the leader like akasha at the end and see malcolm on a t.v laughing at you cause she really isn't the boss but you then build a nother bot that will lead other bots into battle so that you don't have to fight anymore and be able to lead your family to matrimony and live happliy ever after only to find out that malcolm survived the swarm of bots you sent to him and was able to reprogam them so that they will return to your and lie about killing malcolm and when they return they tuck you in at night and say hey little baby don't you cry momma gonna sing you a lulaby but you are then gassed by the leader wall-e and the bots then begin raping you children and killing your wife because you are sleep and when you wake up you realize that THIS WAS A BAD IDEA.

You drink "lots" of caffine don't you.......


New Member
Jul 23, 2005
I wonder why the choice to rape your children while killing your wife? If I was those bots I'd kill the children and rape the wife; or even better, why not both?


Unreal Ninja
Jan 21, 2006
I was all ready to post a "serious" response earlier but then I saw boogler's post a it completely threw me off. :rolleyes:

Anyway I am willing to lend any technical support if I can. I offer to model it but my plate if full at the moment.


Old fart on top the mountain.....
I offer to model it but my plate if full at the moment.

Honestly I'm in not exact hurry atm. I'm still also in discussion and debate on a MSU project too and I am torn I have 3 ideas, but as like you I not only have a plate but a buffet line it seems with two of my team mates jumping ship a few months back things have gotten slightly behind. Drop me line..... I have my msn im on here as well I think....