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XMP Beta Tester
Oct 25, 2002
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Originally posted by Trogetta
woo i've got time for the good parts.

The game's looking pretty great already, nice to see vehicles in there...the new spawning effect is great, not only for people, but also deployed forcefields that's looking great. For some reason, I see the levels, and can tell its not XMP, but UT2004...not saying its bad, just saying thas all....^o)

The 2 things that kinda bugged me throughout the whole video was the effect for the shocklance (which I pray is changing) looks like a shockball shrunk. And the Gunners RL..just didn't seem to fit in that well...other than that most of it seemed great.

I know its an early release, but im allowed some critisizem aren't I?


Jan 24, 2004

There is a Motto i live by :p (Yes i do have one lol) and its

"Get it right, Then make it look good after" :)