VF-1J Valkyrie from Macross/Robotech Model request

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New Member
Mar 12, 2005
Waay back, i tried to convert a model of this guy from UT99 to UT2004, so i came on these boards for some help on how to do so. I had to get the original files from the creator, who had since lost them. Since i have no means to model this myself, and even if i could, it wouldnt even look anything near to the VF-1J. If any does this, i will name my... dog after you.(if i ever get one) :D



New Member
Mar 12, 2005
Vailias said:
I knew there was a reason I pulled out my VF-1 the other day..
I'll put this on the to-do list, but hopefully someone else will get to it first.

Awesome! You rock.