Various stuff and suggestions based on the roadmap (long)

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New Member
May 10, 2000
This is basically a few suggestions after rereading the Roadmap and comparing it with other realism mods available now. To make it easier to read, I'll do it by point by point. If the point have been raised before, I'm sorry for wasting your time!

1. Weapon Accuracy
-I really like SWAT's style of implementing the accuracy model. When you shoot, it stays accurate for the first few rounds shot but if you continue holding the trigger, the aim will be VERY bad. It teaches you to use bursts, basically.
-At the moment, I think that the recoil for the weapons in Infiltration is a little excessive. The first few shots should be controlable (doesn't jerk the gun that much) but the rest should really make the gun jerk around. As an example, firing under semi-automatic will jerk the gun (move it up) because of recoil. As HIGHLY trained soldiers, surely we can deal with that little recoil, right? I suggest the amount of weapon jerking be tuned down by a little.
-I know about the reticule system in the Roadmap, but what I'm addressing here is the weapon recoil. Accuracy because of recoil shouldn't diminish THAT much when using semi-auto and burst mode. I also hope that Infiltration keeps the weapon jerk. CS has this reticule system where the reticule gets larger the longer you press the trigger. The sad part is that there is NO weapon jerking, even though the trigger is held long enough!

2. Items
-What, no nightvision? I like all the items in the roadmap, but the nightvision seems to be missing. I can see it being used a lot in for night battles in urban areas. In fact, I want the nightvision now! Soldiers don't go around carrying flashlight of searchlight and some of the maps available are rather dark!
-While we're at sensors, why not include Thermo-Imagers and IR Optic System? Thermo-Imagers converts IR radiation of warm objects into visible images. It can see through walls and smoke. IR Optic System uses IR light to illuminate targets. Similar to nightvision, but narrower FOV, can be detected by another person using IR Optic System and can't penetrate smoke. It doesn't require ambient light though (unlike nightvision) so it can be used under pitch-black conditions.
-No lockpicks? C'mon! I'm sure you could think of a thousand things to use a lockpicks for! Think of scenarios you can create that uses lockpicks.
-No scuba gear? Last time I checked, SEALS can't breathe in water!
-Grappling hook! You'll need it to reach certain places. Make the gappling hook realitic though! No hanging on the ceiling and sniping at people. If you want to allow weapons, only allow one handed weapons (pistols, maybe SMG).

3. Armors
-I think different grades of armor needs to be implemented. Bomb disposal, combat and istealth all require different types of armor and I think Infiltation should reflect this. I was actually thinking of Rogue Spear's armors. Make sure that there are restrictions though or else everyone will be buying the heavy armors. Armor used should reflect the situation.

4. Booby traps and sensors
-I think Infiltration should also include booby traps. Traps can play a major role in a scenario. Imagine trying to rescue hostages in a place that is booby trapped. You need to proceed cautiosly, scan your surroundings, etc.
-Sensors can also be included. Anyone remeber "The Rock"? The marines there covered the whole island with sensors to warn them of enemies.
-Of course, with traps, you need to disarm them. You probably need to add some sort of disarming kit into the items in the roadmap.

5. Gametype
-No new suggestions, just one coding request. Can you make each team start at one place (i.e. teamspawn)? Team DM with Infiltration is fun but it'll be a HECK of a lot better if each team start at its own place.

I know, it's long! =P Please read it and post your thoughts, Infiltration team. If you don't like it, at the very least please try to include the nightvision and the teamspawn area. I think those two are the most crucial ones. The rest are extras. If it's possible, PLEASE include the nightvision and the teamspawn in ver 2.8! I'm down on my knees begging!

[This message was edited by Ki on Jul 02, 2000 at 03:50.]


Specops Spook
Jan 11, 2000
1. Infiltration's new accuraccy model is as close a reproduction of real weapons handling as it gets. You will see it in 2.8.

2. Well see when we have the time. We only have ONE coder. We don't plan to have our players spend gratuous amounts of time underwater. As you can see. Our player models are NOT SEALs. Lockpicking takes large amounts of time and is simply useless in the pace we are creating. I took the lockpicking course and flunked it. I simply did not have the patience to push complex tumblers around with a paper clip for 2 hours.

3. This mod is about military and special forces combat, not EOD.

4. We have mines. Sensors and whatnot are the prerogative of the mappers.

5. Being done. Also partly the responsibility of the mappers.

3D artist


Forum Drifter
Mar 15, 2000
Visit site
hrm will there be kicking down doors?
then whoever is camping right in front of the other end of the door would loose some health after the door slams in his face... /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif

It is impossible for the glass to be half full or half empty for you see: there is no glass


New Member
Jul 3, 2000

I like the door thing.
Maybe not kick the door, but open it with explosive or something.
If you have played Rogue Spear (Rainbow six 2) You can tell a teamate or do it your self to breach door. A single shotgun shot (or a whole MP5 clip) opens the door fast for a Rush in the room. Might be cool to blast the door with c4 or a grenade. but it shouldn't be hard to do. But not just changing the door trigger to open the door by any kind of shot, cause it will be unrealistic blasting the damn door with a pistol or a knife.

Ultry /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif