Vacancies on The Third Reich team

  • Two Factor Authentication is now available on BeyondUnreal Forums. To configure it, visit your Profile and look for the "Two Step Verification" option on the left side. We can send codes via email (may be slower) or you can set up any TOTP Authenticator app on your phone (Authy, Google Authenticator, etc) to deliver codes. It is highly recommended that you configure this to keep your account safe.


New Member
Oct 25, 2003
The Third Reich is a total conversion for UT2004, with a focus on infantry combat on the World War 2 Western front. You can learn more about our project in a recent interview on Boomtown [ Link ] or by visiting our website portal [ Link ].

Our team is currently in need of some more people, namely mappers, skinners and coders. We also need some high-res photos to be used as a basis for face skins.

If you fit any of the profiles below and would like to join our team, or want more information before deciding, e-mail [email protected] and remember to include any samples you have if applying.

If you wish to have your face in TTR, send a high-res photo of the front view of your face and send to [email protected] or post here in the appropriate thread on our forums [ Link ]. Note that by sending a photo of your face you agree to letting the TTR team edit and use it.


You will be creating believable locations, preferably based on reference material, following a campaign roadplan.

- You need extensive knowlegde of UED 3.
- You need basic knowlegde of 3DS Max, Maya, Lightwave or other modelling software to create static meshes.
- Unwrap knowledge is preferred but not mandatory.
- You have to show us some samples of your (previous) work or create a sample for us to review.


You will be skinning weapon models based on reference material to create a realistic looking skin.

- You have extensive knowlegde of Photoshop, Paint Shop Pro, The Gimp or other image editing software.
- Unwrap knowledge is preferred but not mandatory.
- You have to show us some samples of your (previous) work or create a sample on an unwrap we provide you with.


You will be working closely together with mappers to create realistic & immersive effects to add to the atmosphere of the game. ie: NPC tanks, exploding trees, artillery, ...

- You have extensive knowlegde of UScript.