Scoring - currently you get 2 points for each kill and -1 for each suicide. Would keeping track of the number of times you died be possible or even of interest to others? Or, breaking out the score to a 1 pt/kill for a kill column, 1 pt/suicide in a suicide column, and 1 pt/death (yep you guessed it) in a death column? Also, in v3 will you be able to make use of the ngWorldStats? Do they plan on supporting MOD's and TC's? OK .... the question (simply put) is: What are the plans for the scoring in v3? And, wouldn't seeing Infiltration listed on ngWorldStats as a game type be beneficial to Catalytic Conversions? I'm asking these questions because I would like to see such a scoring system implemented. Or, even better, if you would be able to make use of the ngWorldStats format.