UTSM, help!

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Renegade of Funk
Sep 21, 2003
I got the new version of UT skinmaker at last (version2.5 beta 6 i think)! Its a lot nicer than previous versions, but there is one thing which has confused me totally, see the attached pic, i don't see what i have done wrong i added textures for everything, if someone could point out my error i would be really grateful




  • utsmerror.jpg
    14.9 KB · Views: 31


Probably: you tried just importing the team-neutral versions of the chest and legs, but the particular model you're skinning has team colours on those areas (Male Soldier, for instance).

As a temporary workaround you could re-import 4 more copies of each texture and claim they're the team colour versions; do 4 team-colour versions and import those too once you've finished the neutral skin though, or you'll really annoy anyone trying to play a team game with this skin. (Cheap hue-shifts are better than nothing, even if they don't look as good).


Renegade of Funk
Sep 21, 2003
Psychic_313 said:
Probably: you tried just importing the team-neutral versions of the chest and legs, but the particular model you're skinning has team colours on those areas (Male Soldier, for instance).

As a temporary workaround you could re-import 4 more copies of each texture and claim they're the team colour versions; do 4 team-colour versions and import those too once you've finished the neutral skin though, or you'll really annoy anyone trying to play a team game with this skin. (Cheap hue-shifts are better than nothing, even if they don't look as good).

??? now i'm really confused ???


RJGexplode said:
??? now i'm really confused ???

The model you're skinning has a chest and legs which change colour when you change team, right?

You need to make and import four different team-coloured bitmaps (red, blue, green, gold) for the chest, and the same for the legs, as well as the neutral versions.

If you haven't finished and you want to test the skin before you do the team-coloured art, import the neutral .bmp or .pcx files 4 more times and tell UTSM they're the team-coloured versions.

Replace them with proper team colours once you've finished, otherwise it'll be impossible to tell which team your skin is on, which will annoy people.

[Slightly off-topic: When asking for tech help or reporting bugs, please be specific.

A useful format is: what you did, in enough detail for someone to do the same thing and encounter the same problem; what you expected to happen; what happened. The first is usually the most important.

For instance, instead of "i added textures for everything", a list of the textures you added is much more helpful.]


Renegade of Funk
Sep 21, 2003
Psychic_313 said:
Hmm. OK, could you please be more specific? Which model is this, exactly what did you import, and so on?

I was working on a skin for the male soldier model, i imported a few .pcx and a few .jpg that help or do you still need more info? I could upload the .skm file or whatever it is that UTSM saves the skin as


If the problem is just missing textures, I might be able to help you; if it's an obscure bug or feature in UTSM, I'm not really the right person to help, since my current main computer is a Mac, but hopefully the sort of info I'm asking for might be enough that someone else can solve it.

For your information, "i imported a few .pcx and a few .jpg" isn't very specific at all, although the fact that you mentioned it's a Male Soldier is a step in the right direction.

A rule of thumb: if you're asking for tech help, you should provide enough information that some helpful person (e.g. me) could do the same things you said you did, and be reasonably confident that they'd done exactly the same thing. You certainly need to provide enough information that people can actually help you!

I was hoping for at least something like this:

It's a Male Soldier skin.
I imported the following textures:
chest: neutral and 4 teams, all 256x256, 24-bit JPEG
arms: 256x256, 24-bit JPEG
legs: neutral and 4 teams, all 256x256, 256-colour PCX, except green team which is a 24-bit JPEG
3 faces: 256x256, 256-colour PCX

Whatever UTSM saves skins as might well be worth posting, particularly if it's just a text file (i.e. if it looks sensible when viewed in Notepad).
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