utextrakeybindings sub class problems

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Feb 27, 2001
How do I bind a key in a sub class of the utextrakeybindings so when I press it, it executes one command and then when the key is released, it executes another?

So far I can get the one command to execute and starts the action, but it never stops on the key release, below is a more detailed description of what I am trying to do.

First I bind the keys for my mod, the question marks are what needs filled in

class MyModKeys extends utextrakeybindings;

LabelList(0)="Press to set action to true, release to set action to false"

AliasNames(0)=" ActionStart???????????"

Now in my new UTplayer pawn class I have the functions modify the common variable bAction.

exec function ActionStart()
exec function ActionStop()