hi folks, new old map released - it's finally off my hard disk! Industrialish plant facility DM thingy. Vertical hub type layout with 4 interconnecting levels, lots of vertical kickers combined with LG in the upper area and lots of ramps in the middle area. Watch out for spinning things - they kill If you're in the mood for a bit of a change from regular old run-and-gun deathmatch you might find this interesting - it is tretcherous (sp?) going... Fun with relics!
(yeah, i'll admit it! i skimped in the skybox) TerraGen pix curtesy of King Mango; Pickup bases by SabbathCat!
Available (for now) from UnrealPlayground
Happy FraGGing
(yeah, i'll admit it! i skimped in the skybox) TerraGen pix curtesy of King Mango; Pickup bases by SabbathCat!
Available (for now) from UnrealPlayground
Happy FraGGing