UT99 Weapon Model Help

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New Member
Mar 17, 2006
Hi everyone, I'm having trouble with a model i'm trying to get into UT. I've got the world model working, but the 1st person model shows up as a giant block shaped jumple of polies. I don't know why it's doing this, I animated it and exported it to 3ds and then converted it to .3d properly. Does anyone know what I can do to fix this, or does anyone have any links to good UT modelling tutorials anywhere?


New Member
Apr 20, 2006
From other posts I have read all over the internet the model will look like crap if its out of some sort of grid range. It has to be between like a 256x256 or something like that, limited down to so many polygon counts etc... I never quite understood it because no one seems to care to help people anymore with real helpful explinations. I never could get it right either with .3d so I started going the route of exporting/converting to .psk format and doesn't matter how wacked out it is it always seems to work out right. I'd suggest trying .psk out.

Here's the code for importing the psk models, replace this in your Class .uc file from what you have for loading the _d.3d model.

#exec MESH MODELIMPORT MESH=meshname MODELFILE=models\modelname.PSK LODSTYLE=12

Hope it works for you.