I don't know why, but I like RisingSun.
Here's the settings:
I used a mutator that disables the rockets from loading, so no spammy tri rox for me. If you want to use it you can, if not, that's fine. You can find it here: http://www.yourfilelink.com/get.php?fid=585573
I also included a youtube video of my playthrough. Warning 1: I start off absolutely terrible, all thanks to only playing Killing Floor, l4d, and Borderlands. Warning 2: I finish as bad to slightly bad but at least I'm dodging by the end of the match.
Here's the settings:
- Map: RisingSun
- Bots: 32
- Skill: Novice
- Time limit: 10 minutes
- Frag limit: 150
- Beat the clock and get to 150 frags before time runs out.
- Don't die!
I used a mutator that disables the rockets from loading, so no spammy tri rox for me. If you want to use it you can, if not, that's fine. You can find it here: http://www.yourfilelink.com/get.php?fid=585573
I also included a youtube video of my playthrough. Warning 1: I start off absolutely terrible, all thanks to only playing Killing Floor, l4d, and Borderlands. Warning 2: I finish as bad to slightly bad but at least I'm dodging by the end of the match.