Just wanted to drop a line to see if there would be any interest in working on a mod titled "Get Medieval!"
The design is not 100% percent complete, and currently I am working on my own in creation of it, but if you could listen for few minutes, I will try to list any and all reasons this mod would be worth working on.
First off, the only person on the team so far, is not a totally skill-less. I hope to do the majority of the character modeling/animation, and help with any of the coding that I can. Also, I can do static meshes and textures, but would trust actual level design to someone more experienced, if possible.
I am currently in school for 3D animation, trying to specialize my skills toward games, and have a smattering of skill with C/C++, Java, DirectX, and such. If you ask me what an overloaded function is, I can probably tell you it's a function from a parent class that has been changed in the sub-class. But I'm still not a true developer yet. I'm not bragging on any of my skills, but I am trying to show that I have some amount of skill
The mod concept is not truly original, but I think it's doable, and would be interesting. The idea is to hold to what makes the UT series so fun, which is the fast-paced in your face action, but change the theme to the up close and personal sword and shield style of Medieval Europe.
The biggest change would be the total down play of long-range weapons. Weapons could range from swords, great and small, flails, halberds, axes, warhammers, etc. Bows, crossbows, and such would have a showing in game, but power would be lost for range. Things like double jumps would be out, to increase the amount of "face-time" with the enemy. Dodges, blocks, varying attacks would be the meat of this game. The best image I can think of to show combat would be the "Battle of Sterling" in Braveheart, when the two armies collide.
Most maps would be mid to small sized to keep the teams in fearsome brawls. All would be set in villages, forts, castles, and battlefields of Europe from the time of the first Crusade, to the time of the Hundred Years War. Though I wouldn't expect it to be perfectly period, I hope it will give a feel and flavor of the time.
I have some small things done so far at:
and hope to have a website up for it in the near future. I don't do websites, so I'm stuck waiting on my webmaster to finish up.
Besides (praying) offers of help, any constructive C&C would be greatly appreciated.
Anyone interested in this endeavour can email me at: [email protected]
The design is not 100% percent complete, and currently I am working on my own in creation of it, but if you could listen for few minutes, I will try to list any and all reasons this mod would be worth working on.
First off, the only person on the team so far, is not a totally skill-less. I hope to do the majority of the character modeling/animation, and help with any of the coding that I can. Also, I can do static meshes and textures, but would trust actual level design to someone more experienced, if possible.
I am currently in school for 3D animation, trying to specialize my skills toward games, and have a smattering of skill with C/C++, Java, DirectX, and such. If you ask me what an overloaded function is, I can probably tell you it's a function from a parent class that has been changed in the sub-class. But I'm still not a true developer yet. I'm not bragging on any of my skills, but I am trying to show that I have some amount of skill
The mod concept is not truly original, but I think it's doable, and would be interesting. The idea is to hold to what makes the UT series so fun, which is the fast-paced in your face action, but change the theme to the up close and personal sword and shield style of Medieval Europe.
The biggest change would be the total down play of long-range weapons. Weapons could range from swords, great and small, flails, halberds, axes, warhammers, etc. Bows, crossbows, and such would have a showing in game, but power would be lost for range. Things like double jumps would be out, to increase the amount of "face-time" with the enemy. Dodges, blocks, varying attacks would be the meat of this game. The best image I can think of to show combat would be the "Battle of Sterling" in Braveheart, when the two armies collide.
Most maps would be mid to small sized to keep the teams in fearsome brawls. All would be set in villages, forts, castles, and battlefields of Europe from the time of the first Crusade, to the time of the Hundred Years War. Though I wouldn't expect it to be perfectly period, I hope it will give a feel and flavor of the time.
I have some small things done so far at:
and hope to have a website up for it in the near future. I don't do websites, so I'm stuck waiting on my webmaster to finish up.
Besides (praying) offers of help, any constructive C&C would be greatly appreciated.
Anyone interested in this endeavour can email me at: [email protected]
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