[UT2004] Forsaken Time

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New Member
Jul 28, 2002
Hello all forum readers and mod makers,

My name is Håvard Stene Skjærvik, aka. Wolferey. I am a mapper, coder in training and the founder of Timespin Studios, and we are seeking people to join us in the quest of mod making. We are seeking for coders, mappers, modelers and people in other positions. To see what positions we are seeking in, take a look here: http://www.timespin.net/crew_openings.php

So, what mod is Forsaken Time, might you ask. Forsaken Time is a medieval/fantasy themed modification for Unreal Tournament 2004. We plan to include the fun of onslaught, deathmatch, teamgame and racing in a whole new way. To see our planes for Forsaken Time, look at our concept located here: Concept

If you are interested to join, you can contact us at [email protected], join #timespin @ irc.gamesurge.net, post in our forum: http://www.timespin.net/forum/ , contact me on msn: [email protected] or ICQ: 335897845.
Our site: http://www.timespin.net

I hope that someone is interested :)
- Wolferey

Concepts: http://www.timespin.net/images/weapon_concepts/nimic.jpg |::| http://www.timespin.net/images/weapon_concepts/damank.jpg
Render: http://www.timespin.net/images/renders/slasher.jpg