UT WAY too dark in game

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New Member
Dec 19, 1999
Visit site
Ok, P2-400, 64mb RAM, 3D Blaster Banshee AGP 16 meg..

I use Powerstrip to correct my gamma in Windows and everyplace else, and it works in UT, until the game overrides it with it's own gamma setting, which even if it's maxed out is WAY too dark. Is there anything I can do to disable the game's gamma correction and use Powerstrip's settings (which work in N3, Tribes, Q3A and pretty much everything else I run)?

Thanks in advance.


New Member
Dec 1, 1999
Ann Arbor, MI
A lot of 3dfx chips can't alter the brightness in-game. If you have good drivers for your card (such as the 3dfx reference drivers,) you can set your glide brightness from the display properties menus in Windows.
However, I think that the Banshee can handle brightness adjustments.

