(UT) Scripting question....I think...

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Mayhem is everywhere
Nov 3, 2001
NaliCity, MI
Visit site
I've got a short hall with pipes going overhead, and I put about 6 drip generators to make it look like the pipes are leaking. So to make it look better I added a good sized puddle underneath them. But now when the drips hit the water, it plays a loud splash, like when you jump in water, and with a half dozen drips, it's really noisy and doesn't sound like drips at all.

I looked at the waterzone info script, and I'm guessing that where you change the sound of the "splash." Am I right about that? And is there anything special I have to do when saving my changes (other than changing the filename)?


Go in drains
Nov 3, 2001
York, UK
Just change/delete the spash sound of that particular water zone and the splash actor (or whatever it is) to stop the ripples from spawning if you want. No scripting required. Though that will stop the water from splashing when a player enters. You could do a workaround by placing a trigger + Special Event that plays the splash sound when a player touches the puddle but that often doesn't work too well with large puddles.


Mayhem is everywhere
Nov 3, 2001
NaliCity, MI
Visit site
I was going to replace the splash sound to a drip sound from amb_ancient. I don't mean replace the sound that it makes when someone walks through it. Does that clarify anything?
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