UT and FOV!

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Koohii o nomimasu ka?
Hello world

I'm sure you all have noticed the way the FOV (field of view) zoom's when it changes (i.e. when you look through the sniper rifle scopes).

I think this is really "unreal-like" and it is very nice in an unreal context... it's very futuristic and an eye catching way to do it.

But for INF, it's not a really interesting feature... and i'm sure a lot of you, hardcore Infiltrators, will agree.

Since virtually all variables, constants and fonctions of the Unreal Engine are implemented in a way making it possible to change them, I was asking myself if there could be a way to change the FOV zooming speed. My first guess would be YES! /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif

So I think it would be great to make a mutator that make it possible to change this value... like set it to 500% of the normal speed or so for infiltration... And perhaps enventually implement this mutator in INF /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif

So, what do you all think about this?
Would it be possible? interesting? usefull?
or am I the only looser who thinks that instant FOV zooming for sniper rifles would be nice to have in infiltration?

--- Geogob ---
The only way out is the C4 way


Jan 28, 2000
Klagenfurt, Carinthia, Austria
Visit site
I think this idea was brought up already..
..though I can't remember if it lead to anything..
After all a instant/near instant zoom would be better, even more realistic.
Maybe any official could give a comment, or so..

Snakeye /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif

anything you do can get you killed, including doing nothing


Koohii o nomimasu ka?
yes, I've noticed that this has already been discussed before, but here I was more looking for a mutator that could do it (?) more than suggesting it for infiltration... thought it would be a good suggestion to do... but since it has already dicussed...


--- Geogob ---
The only way out is the C4 way


push the limits
Jan 23, 2000
Beppo, I don't believe you at all ! Now the only way you can prove it is by dropping me a mail (including an attachment) so I can check it out and see it for myself /infopop/emoticons\icon_wink.gif

You can't blame a person for trying...