UT 402 levelswitch crash issue (V770 PIII 500)

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New Member
Dec 26, 1999
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When I go to "Start Practice Session" and I try to switch the map I'm playing on, UT crashes and I get a message with the following style drivel (this is the first 2 of about 15 lines of such):

Assertion failed: InPos <= Size [File:…\..\Core\Inc\FfileManagerWindows.h] [Line: 57]

History: FarchiveFileReader::Seek <- UlinerLoad

And so forth …

I have patched UT to 402, and I played the demo off the PCGamer CD with nary a problem (except that the bots on Godlike are too damn smart =)). I can't seem to switch levels at all. Also, when I run the game in Tourney Mode, once I graduate past the first three levels (and the "Domination"-mode tourney window opens up) the game crashes with a similar error message. Perhaps I can get some help here? I'd be grateful =)

Thanks in advance,


New Member
Dec 29, 1999
I had very similar problems that seemed to be map related, when trying to start DM-turbine or DM-codex the game would crash every time with:
Critical: UModel::LineCheck
Critical: CheckWithLevel
Critical: ULevel::MultiLineCheck
Critical: ULevel::Trace
or Out of virtual memory messages.

After reading the bits about corrupted CD copies on: http://unreal.epicgames.com/
I copied the contents of my CD D:\maps to C:\unrealtournament\maps and since then no further problems

looks like the installation isn't fussy about crap copies.

Good luck.

[This message has been edited by SaltyDog (edited 12-30-1999).]


New Member
Dec 26, 1999
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Thanks. That fix you suggested worked perfectly, no more problems for me =) Just thought I'd let you (and the rest of the UT forums) know.

Much thanks,
