USkaarj Mod - 13th Of July!

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Retired Administrator
Dec 6, 1999
According to Unreal Ops, Uskaarj an RTS mod for Unreal Tournament will be released on the 13th of July. This is indeed good news, I'm sure there's a few of you out there who have been dying to get your hands on an RTS mod for the Unreal engine (well, it's finally here folks). Unreal Ops also scored an exclusive screenshot from the latest build of USkaarj, be sure to take a look.

Update: barnEbiss sent some more info regarding USkaarj. Besides implementing the power buildings, they also added some new features to their current build. The first new feature is unit zoom. This allows you to not only bind a unit to a number on the keyboard but you can also zoom to it, no matter how far away that unit is and were it is on the battlefield. This saves having to scroll long ways across the map to get to were the action is, and allows the commander to have troops out in the field and be able to move quickly back and forth from battle to the base. They're also happy to report that the HQ buildings have been implemented, and are only placeable next to resources and only if there are no enemy units or buildings surrounding it.

In the coming days the Uskaarj team should have the base turrets done and will then start the rather long testing phase, before shipping it off to the net on the 13th!


New Member
Sparky said:
In the coming days the Uskaarj team should have the base turrets done and will then start the rather long testing phase, before shipping it off to the net on the 13th!
I, personally, would never dare to make a public release date announcement before the mod is at least feature-complete; let alone one in less than three weeks. Two weeks is a rather short period of time for beta testing.

Good luck finishing the mod, but I hope they won't end up rushing it for the sake of sticking to their release date.