Updating UT:XMP and central database stuff

  • Two Factor Authentication is now available on BeyondUnreal Forums. To configure it, visit your Profile and look for the "Two Step Verification" option on the left side. We can send codes via email (may be slower) or you can set up any TOTP Authenticator app on your phone (Authy, Google Authenticator, etc) to deliver codes. It is highly recommended that you configure this to keep your account safe.


Philosopher stoned
Nov 1, 2004
1. How will updating be arranged? Is it the regular method of downloading packages and installing them or does it happen via auto-update?

2. Are some common mods like Smartmines going to in the official release as a server option that you just turn on or off? I´d appreciate a significant collection of these so that I didn´t always need to download them before matches. Some servers send data at a really poor rate and downloading even small packages takes way too long.

3. I´d be pleased to see a database that stores some information about players and gather´s scores and such from official matches. It could also prevent morons from stealing nicks and behaving like a§§holes if they had to register their nick/account/whatever. (example. once one guy took my nick, teamkilled me constantly and finally got me banned)

4. Is there going to be an organized meeting place in which clans could organize their matches? A kind of a built-in lobby/chilling place?

5. Last but not the least: Is there going to a clan ladder? There could be seasons and predetermined matches.
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Pretty in Pink!
Feb 29, 2004
A long long way from home...
At least he's gone to the effort of making one Jackal!

I think it would be an idea (i dunno if they do this on ClanBase or Jolt already) but to register like the last 5 digits of your GUID (it tells you in the settings) so that the said "special :rolleyes: " people can be told apart from the genuine players...

And so that only they know which people have played in a scrim...


Think Pink
Jun 16, 2004
Not a bad idea at all. Identity theft is becoming a difficulty in games nowadays, because its done so easily.
There will be people who don't like the idea, but these people are the most likely to cause problems. If it's voluntary, and the only disadvantage to not signing up is that someone can imitate them and get them banned, then I'm all for it.


Master Beta
Apr 2, 2004
People just need to give up on making a mutator every other day. There's way too many of them right now and I only know what maybe 3 or 4 do. WTF do I have to download mutators labelled 'ABC' or some similar name so you can't tell what it's doing, or why you are even needing it to join the server? Give me an f'n break.


New Member
Aug 18, 2004
I will try and answer your questions best i could.

1) You mean game files such as maps,textures and such? If so you can use a redirect to handle this. Look on www.unrealadmin.org for information on how to setup a redirect.

2) I dont know about if they are including a mutator but a redirect will help with downloading files such as maps and mutators off a server. You can also increase your cache or get a cache cleaner to eleviate the downloads.

3) http://ut2004stats.epicgames.com/. There is really nothing available that has the features you request and i dont really think it is nessary since ladders keep track of matches. You can try and use a Vwar Database i use it for our clan to keep track of and schedule matches (www.clanbge.com look on the right side panel) or a more direct link http://www.clanbge.com/clan_center/war.php

4) That is the whole idea of the ClanList Thread. As for a common IRC network i doubt it. I do see most clans are on gamesurge so you could have a FindXMPScrim channel but i dont think it is needed if you have the clans network and channel information.

5)That is really up to this community I would like to see a TWL North American Ladder so maybe with some clan pressure we can get this game on the ladders. I think it has a good chance especially since it looks like it will have a big player base.
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Philosopher stoned
Nov 1, 2004
I´d be most delighted seeing some sort of nick reserving system, that really prevents nick thievery and harmfull behavior. This could be done by limiting player accounts per installed game to 10 or so and reserving the nicknames from the master server. They should be played certain amount of hours/week or month otherwise they cease to exist and become available again. The account should naturally have passwords and other necessary protections that every registered server checks from master server´s database. This way we could get better rid off violations and using cheating programs.

[22.27 GMT +2] tired ---> unclear and bad language
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New Member
Jan 31, 2004
.pot.OptimusPrime said:
I´d be most delighted seeing some sort of nick reserving system, that really prevents nick thievery and harmfull behavior. This could be done by limiting player accounts per installed game to 10 or so and reserving the nicknames from the master server.

The master server for UTXMP will be the UT2004 one. For something like that you would have to ask Epic.

Also I don't think it's going to be the problem that is was in U2XMP, as a server can be set to log player IDs, so you can find out if someone was not why they said they were. That ID can then be banned, so they can't get on the server whatever nick they use :)