Unwheel.exe ?

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UnWheel Team
Feb 22, 2003
Your Subconscious
Visit site
I was just wondering if the team plans to implement its own .exe, a la Red Orchrestra, SAS etc. (ie. Unwheel has its own custom menu, a seperate unwheel folder inside the UT2004 folder with its own sub-folders etc)?

It seems kinds messy atm having all the Unwheel files mixed into ut2004 subfolders etc. I would be willing to help make a layout if your interested. :)


Nicholas 'ProjectX' Udell - UnWheel Maps
Jan 9, 2004
Right behind you.
UltraNew-B said:
I was just wondering if the team plans to implement its own .exe, a la Red Orchrestra, SAS etc. (ie. Unwheel has its own custom menu, a seperate unwheel folder inside the UT2004 folder with its own sub-folders etc)?

It seems kinds messy atm having all the Unwheel files mixed into ut2004 subfolders etc. I would be willing to help make a layout if your interested. :)

I think that's what we were originally going for, but our E3 release was a tad rushed (congrats to everyone on getting that done in the 2 days notice we had), maybe our next version will have it.