UnrealEd 4 The Mac !?.............

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Hey do you run on a power macintosh?.
If you answered yes then please take the time to go the following lin :
and sign the "UnrealEd" for MAC OS petition. I thank you for your time and the mac
community thanks you for your on going support In the Macgammers Revolution!.......

The MaCmAnIaK
-Think Different Or Don't Think At All!!! -

[This message has been edited by MaCmAnIaK (edited 10-30-1999).]

[This message has been edited by MaCmAnIaK (edited 10-30-1999).]


Remember a few days ago, when I said I wrote to Westlake about unrealed for the Mac? Here's the reply:

>...Any information - positive or negative - would be greatly appreciated.
I'm afraid its negative. The Unreal editor was never considered by our
publisher, and it is technically near impossible in its current state to
be converted. Especially so, since they never really went beyond an
unsupported beta on the PC side, even though it shipped with PC Unreal.


Suellen Adams
Business Coordinator
Westlake Interactive, Inc.

So the petition's a nice thought, but I doubt it'll do much good. Maybe if an official 1.0 UnrealEd Win comes out first...


Well this mac excluding non sense has got to be put to and end!!!!! This kind of shit!
[Excuse my language] really tics me off I mean I paid Just as much money for my unreal
"MAC" version as the rest of the pc gamers, why should I, no that Is why should we! the
mac gamers settle for mediocre products or services ?! Well we shouldn't and I for one
will not!!! I don't know how or where to start but I will stop at nothing until making some
sort of significant change for the mac gaming community !!! Enough Is enough !!! I can
only hope other mac users will join In this revolutionary fight for equality! never the less I
will do everything I can to fight for what's rightfully ours PLAIN AND SIMPLE

The MaCmAnIaK



I am thrilled you want 'equality' among computer machines, just don't forget where it came from-- or where you probably bought it. Macs are here because someone wanted something different- because it was their right to create something new.. well at the same time, the hundereds of hours put in by a game development team (Epic for instance) doesn't have to please everyone. If I for example don't want to put in a weapon because I simply don't WANT to, then guess what- that probably won't change- because I can. Sure, Epic doesn't want to alienate a certain genre, but maybe you should be thankful for their contribution to the future of gaming technology.. and the future of knowing exactly where your ass will be for hours on end... Maybe the manhours to create a BETA version of Unrealed for the PC just wasn't worth the time and resources for the MAC.. you cannot always please the minority.. if they didn't draw the line there, than Unreal Tournament might not happen until Spring or Summer of next year.. THEN how many folks would they have pissed off.. I think in this day and age, you're going to have to either bite the bullet, get another computer (PC) or get in the books and learn how to convert Unrealed yourself. Harsh, Cold, and The Facts (c).


Guess, what, Macmaniak? You chose a minority machine. Always has been one, always will be one. That's the price you pay for being out on the fringe. If you want to *not* be in a minority, go join the majority. It's that simple.

And how do you expect "equality" for a machine that is *just now* showing promise as a serious gaming machine after all these years? By pouting and stamping your feet that people won't completely re-write their free beta software to support a market 1/10th the size of the market that's using it now? You'd have much better luck learning how to code and making your own editor.

I'm rather disappointed that there isn't a map editor for the Mac, but acting like a spoiled kid isn't going to make it magically appear. I am, however, thrilled that Westlake made a Mac umod installer, because I wouldn't be playing Infiltration otherwise. Go ahead and push your petition - hell, I even signed the HalfLife petition; just don't expect the industry to follow a minority voice if there's no profit it in it.


Wow wow wow there hang on a second! Hmm this was predictable. Now b-4 anyone else
gets their under wear in a bundle let me explain by prior post. Ok first things first I am
very appreciative to the people who I know did not have to but did convert the pc Unreal
upgrades to a Mac Os format. Im sure that coding can be very time consuming as well as a
pain in the ass. However I don't recall posting anything that would suggest or even imply
that my out spoken frustration was being directed towards anyone. All I was stating was
that I am fed up with mac users always getting the short end of the stick! Furthermore
when I said I would not stand for this inequality! I did not say I expected anyone to change
this matter because of my ill tempered outcry. I don't live In a fantasy world and rest
assure I completely comprehend the bullshit ethics of politics! So what I meant by my
declaration was that I was going to look Into the fundamentals of coding scripting etc.
Gentlemen we do live In america [(HINT) "Freedom of Speech"] and I guarantee you I
may not agree with everyone's Ideology but I respect the fact that to think however pleases
them Is their prerogative. another thing that puzzles me about some computer users Is the
way they carry on this pc vs mac and vise versa grudge If you will. I mean the last
time i checked I wasn't a major stock holder for apple or minor stock holder for that
matter. So I have no reason to take anything to the heart! I use mac os because I am a
designer Plain and simple not because me and billy boy gates are the worst of enemies and I am
trying to rid the world of pc's to make this a macworld or whatever! So all Im saying Is I
should be thankful and settle for what ever Is tossed my way as a minority mac user Is
simply BULLSHIT. That's just not me!
If I don't like something I will give It my best effort to change It. So do not be offended
by my post I am only getting my feelings about the situation off my chest that's It! The
post Is not aimed at any one Or anything It Is just how I feel. So If You do not agree with
my thoughts I really do not care, I respect the way other people think so I expect the same
In return, which If you really think about It Is quite fair!

Thank you for your understanding and even though I know I do not have to! I will
apologize If my post has offended anyone! It shouldn't!



[This message has been edited by MaCmAnIaK (edited 11-03-1999).]


As a lifelong Mac user, I understand your frustration. You have to realize that Apple is making huge inroads into gaming, but that this is a slow process, they are turning, but it is a very wide arc.

As I too wanted UnrealEd, I made the decision and got a PC, plain and simple. I didn't see grand changes anytime soon and made the choice of waiting and being a loyal Mac user (I also got tired of this label and I get tired of the neverending battle between PC and Mac fans), or having a good time making maps and such. Simple choice, friend had a good PC for sale and I bought it.

And as it was pointed out, Profit is the bottom line for software development. If they wont make money, they wont make the game. Over time, I think this will change as Apple slowly but surely changes, they really have brought themselves back from the edge of extinction. So you'll have to be patient or find an alternative in the meantime.

I know that you're frustrated, but ultimately, I really don't think that this is the correct forum to air your grievances about lack of gaming software for Mac.


Yeah, coffeycan has a point, you wanna talk about mac stuff, go here...


Now just to make it clear, I got the URL off a friend, ok.


Great- it's settled then- MaCmAnIaK we understand where you come from and how frustrating it is to invest money in a computer that doesn't have the support, and it probably will once different hardware and software come together 'where the money is' so to speak in compatability. But they're right- this just isn't the place for it.. WE here at Infiltration do our best to help out our Mac brethren, but outside that it's out of our hands! Glad this didn't turn into a Mac/PC war myself-- after all, we are an equal-opportunity mod..