Unreal Ver 225f Will not run in Full screen for me

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Dec 12, 1999
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I have the latest in DirectX Version 7a
I have the latest drivers from 3dfx as of December 16th

I have a Voodoo 3 3000...

I patched the version that came bundled with my Voodoo3 3000 from 222r to the 225f patch.

I can play in windowed safe mode...But if I try to go to full screen in normal mode or in safe mode I get this error and Unreal crashes:

History: Enforce TickRate<- Main Loop Crit Error

I would really like to enjoy this came or get a feel for what it is like...But I see no sense in spending the money for Unreal Tournament if I can't even get the Original Unreal to work on my system without crashing

Any help would be appreciated
