Unreal Tournament

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Well, I got around to downloading and playing the new UT demo... damn, that's a fine game. We should be able to fit most if not all the features of version 3 into UT. I must say, I applaud the Epic team for such an excellent job! It's pretty obvious why Unreal mod playing has shrunken greatly.. Kinda hard to go back to the old Unreal interface coming from UT! Playing UT didn't seem hard at all coming from Unreal- it had that next generation look with an upgrade feel. The decals look increadible in the game, the bullet holes especially without looking like they don't belong- all of which will help us out a lot. If you haven't gotten this demo yet, set your modem on autopilot and let it run overnight!


It occures to me that a few things might have an important effect upon Infiltration.

1. UT gametype Domination.
2. Navy SEAL (upcoming U powered title).
3. New Unreal animation system (to be added UT in a patch).

If any what effect will these things have?


Thanks for the questions..

1) Domination-- is that the game mode where you have to control certain 'flags' for a period of time? Fact is any UT game modes will simply help Infiltration. Adding that extra functionality and basically examples of how it's done will only help the game creation go smoother. From what I've seen of UT so far, we'll probably need most of version 3 to be all original stuff from menus to game play..

2) Navy SEALS is a game I was following for quite a while- esp being a personal fan of 'Demo Dick' if you know what I mean.. read many of his books.. /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif Infiltration, thus far, will be a lot like UT-- only dealt with in the 20th century.. it will be less single player-ish than I'm sure NS will be. I still look forward to this game, and I know it's not like we can compete with a company who's job it is to make a game, while ours is not... unfortunately..

3) I didn't realize UT will be getting a new animation system later on.. if so, that means UT will have to revise a lot of stuff and the patch is likely to be huge.. I'm guessing skeletal animation like Team Fortress 2 has.. but I haven't heard about it. Can you point me to some sort of reference for this? I'd appreciate it a lot! Thanks-


I probably saw it on PU (news), but I can't find it. Don't they have an archive? /infopop/emoticons/icon_frown.gif

The thingi: Some guy in Holland(?) made it, and just recently moved to epic city bringing the code. It wouldn't be included because of code freeze. The same freeze the Linux port made it into. Skeletal animation wasn't mentioned, but it was compared to the fire engine and LOD.


I don't know if you consider this off-topic, but did you guys check out the Rainbow Six: Rogue Spear game? You can get a lot of inspiration for 3.0 from there as well.

The player animations are just incredible. It is just cool to see when these little guys look around corners, or one of your team mates starts to limp in front of you because he was hit in the leg.

Don't know if and how many new player animations you can add to your new models in 3.0. Just wanted to mention it, though.



I've played Eagle Watch- is Rouge Spear the next installement of R6? I've heard some great things about it.. so it's worth getting?


Rogue Spear is the sequel to Rainbow Six. And I have to agree with previous posts .... watching players peek around corners is great! The player animations are truly outstanding.



Rogue Spear is amazing...The 747 assault is mindblowing. Unfortunently the CT AI still blows chunks, not as much as In the original R6, but still pretty bad...

Adam C.
Oh Christ... another Mac


That's funny!
Just a few seconds ago I received Rogue Spear. Wait a day or two and I'll tell you more, o.k.?