Unreal Tournament Role-play is recruiting!

  • Two Factor Authentication is now available on BeyondUnreal Forums. To configure it, visit your Profile and look for the "Two Step Verification" option on the left side. We can send codes via email (may be slower) or you can set up any TOTP Authenticator app on your phone (Authy, Google Authenticator, etc) to deliver codes. It is highly recommended that you configure this to keep your account safe.
Unreal Tournament Role-Play will focus on the daily life of people instead of deathmatch. In the full version you will be about to buy buildings, rent out rooms, be assigned jobs by an admin, make your own gang, become C.E.O. of most of the buildings, chase down players that commit a crime, rob buildings, buy a diner and make a profit or decline from wages from other people, buy guns at a gun shop, own a vehicle, have a job like a clerk, Army Private, Police Officer, gang member, hotel manager, diner manager, and much much more! This is a game of unlimitless ideas. We will have admins and other types of authority in the server to prevent any mishaps and we are in search for new members of the team. This mod is goign to be developed on the unreal engine 3.0 and is going to be a modification of the game UT2007.

Right now we have...
1 experienced Skinner, Coder and Modeler
1 beginner Skinner, Mapper and Modeler
1 experienced Mapper, coder and Mod leader
1 experienced Coder.

and a couple other members aswell that hevent been that active.

Right now we are taking any help that we could get but what we need the most right now is...
Weapon Modelers
Unreal Engine Coders
Character Modelers

Seeing as UT2007 hasen't been released yet we have yet to do much work on the mod so we would like someone that plans to stay with us for a while but once again any help is accepted so we will still welcome you to join.

If you are interested or have any questions please email one of the PR managers at :

Or go to our new site http://www.gabionstudios.com


Richard Lafortune

Here's a little work done by our modelers :





Unreal Ninja
Jan 21, 2006
Hi everyone, I'm a new modeler on the team.The community is growing day by day but we still have many postions to fill. So you still have a chance to be part of one of the coolest mods for UT2007.;)
Join today and get a cookie.:lol:


Unreal Ninja
Jan 21, 2006
Tell your family, tell your friends and tell your enemies! Many spots on the team are still open. It's like GTAUT just prettier and with more toys and free cookies.:D
Bumping this thread, Just to let everyone know we have over 10 team members and are still looking for any type of help because we all know that you can't have too much help ;). We have much more models completed and we are really starting to roll.

So if you're interested please drop an email to:

Or... Check out our message boards at http://boards.gabionstudios.com/index.php?


Richard (UTRP co-leader)