Unreal the RPG?

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Wolf Blackstar

That other Wing Commander guy
Dec 13, 1999
Tau Ceti V
Now don't get me wrong. Let me get one thing out of the way first: I hate RPG's with a passion. No offense to those who play them, but I simply don't have the patience to gather experience points and advance in levels, etc. I prefer to wade into the fray with guns blazing.

But I do, however, like the concept of the RPG, especially today's massively multiplayer online environments. Getting a little "adventurer party" of real people and going on a "quest", slaying monsters, dragons, and such, can be fun.

Most of these games take place in quasi-medieval dungeon hack&slash environments, with a few town areas to socialize in. I have heaard talk of a Star Wars-themed RPG in the works but I have no concrete proof that such a thing exists.

Now I come to the point of all this rambling. It would be a interesting change, for me at least, to see a massively-multiplayer online RPG-style game set in the Unreal universe(Unreal 1, not UT.)

The plot could have something to do with the plight of the Nali under the brutal iron grip of the Skaarj, with the environment being the world of NaPali, and all of its exotic locations.

Character races available: Humans, Nali, Skaarj, Skaarj hybrids, Kraal, etc.

Character classes and abilities: I always like using standard weapons. We could throw in a few new and unusual weapons for more alien charaters, and maybe have the use of magic, especially for the Nali characters. Implement the use of special skills. I'd like to see a different system of experience point aqcuisition, but i don't know how it would be handled.

And as for the "neutral" areas for players to rearm, resupply, and just hang out? How 'bout an Illhaven-style town, where everybody can either gear up for their next missions, or just relax and swap stories over a cold one? Or what's better, I've always liked the SkyTown level. Imagine a town like that on the asteroid in the sky, with weapon and supply shops, bars, and people walkinh around in the streets.

As for monsters and hostile environments, we could get some of the best mappers around to develop a massive online world, with terrain varying from Chizra-style temples to the Sunspire-like mountains, and spectacular architecture in the tradition of Bluff Eversmoking.

Alas, I feel I've been jabbering away senselessly again. Maybe Unreal doesn't need an MMORG experience. But please share your opinions on this idea if you have any. In the meantime, the Wolf awaits the coming of Unreal 2.....

-Wolf Blackstar

"A chainsaw! find some meat!"


Nov 10, 1999
Bristol, England
eermmmm... I hate to disagree with you but... ahem... no, I don't think an Unreal RPG would be right. It needs the one person exploring the mysterious world and fighting his way through the bad guys style of the FPS. I don't think an RPG would work.


Hellscrag, Unreal single player nut :) . In deathmatch look for me as [SkW]Deathwish of UK clan SkaarjWarriors. Email me hellscrag@lineone.net.
Check my website http://surf.to/scragsite for Unreal Walkthroughs and other cool stuff or my clan site http://surf.to/skaarjwarriors for my UT designing projects
Mar 26, 2000
West Sussex
Visit site
Why do people say stuff like that! A RPG version of Unreal would rock but whenever people say something about changing the genre a popular game there's always one person that says it's a bad idea. Don't buy it then, we'll all be exploring Na Pali in groups and kicking Skaarj arse in a RPG-orientated Unreal while you'd just play the original FPS version. FPS is my most favourite genre but Unreal has the universe to expand. Have you heard of the UT mod: USpace? It's about UT but flying spaceships.
Hellscrag, It's a great idea, so why complain!
Wolf Blackstar, great idea.


I rise from the flames and believe me... it's damn hot!


Nov 24, 1999
Visit site
Provided it's as well-done as the original Unreal -- and provided I don't have to pay twenty-something bucks a month to play!! /~unreal/ubb/html/frown.gif -- I reckon it ought to be a great idea. Heck, maybe they can even allow player-made maps to be played online -- now that ought to be cool!


Tonight. Hot, hot, hot.

Wolf Blackstar

That other Wing Commander guy
Dec 13, 1999
Tau Ceti V
Hellscrag, I hear ya. But you'd have to admit that co-op in Unreal is fun too, eh?

It would have to be more than just a mod. You'd need a massive new engine overhaul to handle the game world.

Like I said, I'm not an RPG nut - I lost several fine Tribes players to Everquest last year, and I don't think they'll ever be coming back. I was just thinking there might be a better way to do the "Multi-user Dimension." That and it'd have to be a universe that would be fun to play in - and what better than the world of Unreal?


-Wolf Blackstar

"A chainsaw! find some meat!"
I'm not sure if you guys have read about this yet, but Digital Extremes (they made Unreal) have started work on a game just like the one you've described. Dark Sector is a massive multiplayer action game that will also have some minor RPG elements. From what I've read at their site, it sounds mighty cool indeed. /~unreal/ubb/html/wink.gif


MadMartigan: As far as I'm aware, Dark Sector is *not* based in the Unreal universe. It's just a game based on the Unreal engine.

What Wolf Blackstar is talking about is an RPG set *in* the Unreal universe. I have to say that I think it's a good idea. I'm not an RPG nut myself, although I did play all of the Eye Of The Beholder games, Betrayal at Krondor, Daggerfall etc.

I think that expanding the game types for the Unreal universe can only be a good thing. I mean, take a look at the Star Wars franchise! Racing games, beat-em-ups, first person shooters, space combats... It all helps to...

1. Keep the Star Wars gaming genre alive
2. Keep the developers solvent so that they *can* develop *another* FPS in the universe you want to return to.

Just think if *all* they do with the Unreal story is regurtitate it as another FPS, followed by another FPS, people are eventually going to grow tired of it. That's what happened with Doom. The original was great - then they made the same game with a bit of extra spice, then it fell flat on it's face. If there is nothing new, and no new types of gameplay, then eventually it will grow stale, and die.

Don't get me wrong - I LOVE FPS games, and I love Unreal. But if they can get more people interested in the Unreal universe by creating different types of games, I'm all for that, because it will keep that gaming universe alive for longer.

Roll on Unreal 2. =)


'The enemy can't press a button if you disable his hand...Medic!' (Starship Troopers)

Wolf Blackstar

That other Wing Commander guy
Dec 13, 1999
Tau Ceti V
Good to hear some more responses. I agree with the "regurgitation" problem - You do need improvements. I hope to see much more in Unreal2.

Some, like Hellscrag, might argue that Unreal might lose rather than gain more by expanding. And I see his point too - The Unreal universe is pretty much perfect the way it is now. And look at some of the Star Wars games - the Racer and Episode I games were kinda stale in themselves.

I'm no RPG junkie. I like FPS's, but online RPG's might appeal to me more if they weren't all dungeon hacks. Screw magic. I like sniper rifles and rocket launchers.

I also wanted to see some more story developement - the Nali/Skaarj conflict, maybe a Nali resistance movement, more stories of those who crashed on the planet, more Nali legends - and hopefully in Unreal 2 we'll get some useful NPC's instead of only reading the logs of dead folks. I thought this might make great RPG material.

But we'll never know. In order for the game to succeed, it would have to be absolute bad-ass - too many good ideas for games are destroyed by rushing the game to make a release date. This would have to be something people would be willing to wait for, and kept secret. Too many previews and screenshots can give people the wrong impression of a game.

And besides, someone has to think it's good enough to publish first /~unreal/ubb/html/wink.gif


-Wolf Blackstar

"A chainsaw! find some meat!"
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