Sooo, I launched out IrfanView and converted those for all us Windows users' viewing pleasure. These are PNG. Hope we can have a meaningful discussion about the material within rather than witness another altercation as in the thread before. Treat this as a new fresh start if you will... and I will not remove my conversions unlike others did with theirs - the links are pretty much permanent.
Here's Leo's original description of the material, updated by me to reflect the current number of pages:
0.png 1.png 2.png 3.png
Here's Leo's original description of the material, updated by me to reflect the current number of pages:
This is four pages of the tutorial section. The first page shows the screenshot of early Queen(end) level with those strange movers/floating platforms and slightly different theme. The queen is also encased in a mover. Probably the actual fight happened only after doing something/beating other enemies like the skaarj which were shown in the pc gamer video.
0.png 1.png 2.png 3.png