I was watching my brother play Concor and then I remembered the CS Militia movie. The first one was kinda gay but the 2nd one owned? Anyone who has seen them knows why the 2nd rules. Anyway I like writing and was thinking oh what the hell why not see if anyone is willing to make a movie. All we need is a server probibly 11 ppl at least (5 ppl for the bad guys 5 ppl for good guys and 1 person to record it) Its probibly a dumb idea. Expecialy sence I dont have UT2k4 on this comp *tear* but just wanted to pitch the idea. I could write what should happen and find a good map and all i need r the willing to act and record it. I still wish i had ut on this comp so i could atleast record it.
So whats everyone think and any ppl willing to give it a try?
So whats everyone think and any ppl willing to give it a try?