Unreal Firepower 2004 Mutator

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New Member
May 31, 2004
This mutator will allow the user to carry dual weapons (each weapon). I know this has already been done before but I am planning to begin work on a "more professional" variant. I need a team! Here are the differences that this muatator will have that the other mutators of this kind don't...

1. ALL weapons will be dual (yes, even the sniper rifle).
2. Custom animations so the mod looks good (believe me this makes a big difference).
3. A domain name website dedicated to the mutator :).

This is what I need fot the team...
(NOTE: All members of the team must check thier email OFTEN.)

1. An experienced coder and mutator creator...
2. An experienced animation editor...
3. Beta testers...

If you are interested in the project please post here or email me at [email protected]. Hopefully a lot of people will run this mutator on thier server.

Peace Out

[SAS]Solid Snake

New Member
Jun 7, 2002
New Zealand
What do you do in this mutator? Surely you don't need a team to make a mod like this? I've done this kind of thing by myself ... an heck you were allowed two different weapons in each hand to make some pretty nasty combinations. Flak Cannon + Rocket Launcher is very deadly.


New Member
May 7, 2004
2 sniper rifles? Wow, I dont know if thats any useful.

Anyways, a better team mutator would be totally new weapons. If I were to choose between your mutator and a mutator with some new arsenal, well I would rather play the latter. Just giving you something else to think about. :)