The almighty Warlord deleted in video...for first time I guess.
The almighty Warlord deleted in video...for first time I guess.
I recall playing in the editor and saw the alarm points, I tried different creatures, the Warlord worked. I never set it on the eating, tho, that makes it more effective.
I think it was removed, for one you already established the Skaarj, probably in coop you could kill it but you didnt want to kill the Warlord too early in the storyline. In gameplay its not always easy to see its mannerisms. In a way it seems awkward having it there, even tho its a nifty sequence, I think the brute splatting the guy is better.
Cool, I rember seeing something like that in a make of Unreal beta. I'll have to put that map in to play in OldSkool.
Anyone also have that intro map where the Vortex Rikers crashed right through the poor Nali standing there? I thought it was a bit funny...![]()
I think you mean the version by .:..: actually, the UT2004 mod. That wasn't actual beta. Or do you have some beta where the warlord was?
Yeah that was it, I meant to say 'remake' instead of make...
The actual beta in the video looked real good which was why I like to play it someday in Unreal.