Unreal Animations + Custom Animation

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New Member
Feb 7, 2006

I have a character rigged using Epic rig in Maya... so that i can use the unreal walk cycles and some other unreal animations... But i also created few custom animations for my MOD....

So the confusion is how can i merge Unreal animations and Custom animations into one single animation set(for that character)....


May 24, 2004
San Diego, California
www. .
If they're just textures on the custom animation that you want to have together, just take those textures off (Properties >> Skins perhaps?) and put them on the Unreal animation, or vice versa.

Not sure if I answered your question. G'luck.



New Member
Jan 16, 2006
San Diego
I may have read your question differently. If you would like to use both custom animation and stock animation (default UT2004) on your character its pretty easy, provided you want to replace animations that already exist (and therefore are already coded).

1.First task is export your model (you can find plenty of info on the UDN).

2.Then, when in UnrealEd, open the Animation browser, and choose File > Open.

3.Open a default animation package (humanMaleA is good).

4.With the default open, choose Mesh > Copy Mesh Properties.

5.Then choose File > Mesh Import and grab your character your exported.

6.Now go to Mesh > Paste Mesh Properties (this will apply the default scaling and bone aliasing to your character based on a default ut character).

7.Lastly, choose Mesh > Rename Mesh and save out this animation package as a unique name.

8.Now that you have just your mesh w/ the stock animations, link the two by going to Edit > Linkup Anim and Mesh.

You now have a stock animation set on your character. From here, you can create new animation clips using Maya and the Trax editor. You can then export and import them into this animation set. Keep in mind, exporting animations and re-writing the defaults will be the easiest. Good luck!
