If you want to copy that texture to another package (to avoid version mismatches with that texture pack) then you'll have to copy the entire texture file, then load the copied on in UED and delete all the other textures in that pack (takes ages but it's the only way to do it

Then to make it darker, go on the texture properties.
Now load palette.utx and look for a darkish red palette texture and select it. Now go back to the fire texture's properties.
Now click on Palette (under texture) in the texture properties and press use.
This should change the colour of the flame to use the colours in the palette you selected. You can change it to a totally different colour or just to a different darkness.
If you
still can't get that perfect colour, export the palette texture that is closest to the one that you want and than change the brightness etc. in PSP or some other paint program (PLEASE not paint

Now import that texture into MyLevel or the texture package that will have your new flam in.
Now use your new palette texture in the flame's properties like above.
Press the save texture package button, and you're done