UCC can't find packages

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Harry Goz (1932 - 2003)
Nov 27, 2000
This is a really dumb question but how do I inform UCC that certain packages exist. For example my rockets play a certain sound file which resides in a soundpackage.uax in the sounds directory. UCC doesn't realise this though so it gives me errors and I have to comment out the code then go back in ued after it compiles and change it back and recompile it.

It's annoying and I'm sick of having to comment this stuff out. Can I tell ucc where this stuff is or even just tell ucc to ignore errors like this?


New Member
Aug 12, 2001
Delaware, USA
works for textures too

#exec OBJ LOAD FILE=..\Textures\SoldierSkins.utx

just make sure the .uax file (or .utx) file is in your packages sounds (or textures folder respectively)

// i learned this when changing the sniper rifle's zoom crosshair