Planet Unreal posted news that UC2 (Unreal Championship 2) made the top 25 demos. This did not come as a surprise as it is an awesome game. However, I went to my local EB store in Australia and asked the sales man, person, thingy “If I preorder UC2, do I get a free demo of the game?” He replied “No.”… I stood there with a wide mouth, asked why, and told him that all over the net it said I would get a free demo. After about 5 minutes of flaming him, I left in tears (ultimate tears).
This is shocking, I cannot believe EB games and Epic Games ripped me, my only two best friends owned me! My life is so not complete now…. So if you find it in my heart to send me a demo of UC2 to my PO Box, I will love you long time
. Email me to get my details!
This is shocking, I cannot believe EB games and Epic Games ripped me, my only two best friends owned me! My life is so not complete now…. So if you find it in my heart to send me a demo of UC2 to my PO Box, I will love you long time