I'm not sure if everyone read the previous thread concerning GeForce 3 and the Doom Engine Demo.
However, I noticed a few users stated misinformation and thought I could help clear things up.
(In a previous post conerning GeForce 3)
But I think it's not possible for a game to have a cinematic render like we can see with 3ds max. Like the PU article "are we paying too much fps", I don't want to buy a Geforce 3 900$ or much for having 30 fps !!
Actually this is incorrect as far as I've seen and heard. MANY newer games slated for the end of 2001 and the first quarter of 2002 have IN-GAME graphics that look like what we USED to see in cinematics.
GeForce 3 is the WORLD's fastest GPU processor. For those that know of the SGI computer, these super computers of the 80's and 90's developed
movies such as Toy Story and MANY others. A single SGI GPU is now the second to fastest GPU in the world, behind the GeForce 3... and for those that know what an SGI is... that is saying a hell of a lot.
Below are some links demostrating the GeForce 3 and it's new technologies. Technologies such as:
= Realistic shading & lighting
= Real-time soft shadowing
= Real-time PER PIXEL shading
= High-Quality real-time rendering
New Doom Engine (ID Software)
Neverwinter Nights
Note: The first movie does not have the new real-time shadowing effects that the GeForce 3 offers. The second movie does. In this movie you seen REAL-TIME in game effects like you see in the New Doom Engine.
Note: They have scheduled release for the GeForce 3 in late March for the MAC and earlier April for the PC. This GPU's release ain't far away at all!!!
So the question originally was, Will Unreal 2 Engine have these effects in their engines for Unreal 2 or Unreal Warfare (a.k.a. Unreal Tournament 2)?
Depending on release times, I'd say YES! I am going to look for that answer more in detail, and write another post on my findings. If the release of either of these games is at earliest December of 2001, I would think Epic's Unreal Engine would be behind the times without all these NEW effects. Especially since Neverwinter Nights and Doom will probably be released shortly after that.
However, the facts state that yes these GPU will provide us with in game graphics we THOUGHT we could only dream of.
UT Tech Demo:
This is part of the Unreal 2 engine. It's simply Technology they put into UT's code (MOD) to support increased polygon levels, wire frame animations, and large scale terrain; as well as many other things. Remember UT Engine is nothing more then an enhanced Unreal 1 engine.
[Note: In this demo, as well as the article concerning it nothing is mentioned about the new GeForce 3 Technology. However, that is only because the GeForce 3 technology didn't exist when the article was written. Also note these features will NEVER be seen in the original UT... see "Unreal Warfare" below]
Below is a link to an article that talks about these features in detail.
Unreal Warefare:
This is a codename of some sorts for what will be the sequel to Unreal Tournament. I'm sure this will support all the current technology the UT and Unreal 2 engines have put in place, as well as many other features we don't know about (I would guess).
Not much is known about this project. Perhaps soon enough the guys at Epic or Planet Unreal will release some info. All I can tell you is the domain name unrealwarfare.com is taken and registered to one:
The same name is also the owner of the domain unrealtournament.com, which has an organization name of "Epic MegaGames, Inc.". This shows proof that Epic has registered the domain unrealwarfare.com.
INTERESTING... isn't it?
SORRY about the HUGH post. Just thought the information about GeForce 3 should be clear and you all have the most information you can possibly get about current and up and coming technologies concerning the Unreal Engine.
However, I noticed a few users stated misinformation and thought I could help clear things up.
(In a previous post conerning GeForce 3)
But I think it's not possible for a game to have a cinematic render like we can see with 3ds max. Like the PU article "are we paying too much fps", I don't want to buy a Geforce 3 900$ or much for having 30 fps !!
Actually this is incorrect as far as I've seen and heard. MANY newer games slated for the end of 2001 and the first quarter of 2002 have IN-GAME graphics that look like what we USED to see in cinematics.
GeForce 3 is the WORLD's fastest GPU processor. For those that know of the SGI computer, these super computers of the 80's and 90's developed
movies such as Toy Story and MANY others. A single SGI GPU is now the second to fastest GPU in the world, behind the GeForce 3... and for those that know what an SGI is... that is saying a hell of a lot.
Below are some links demostrating the GeForce 3 and it's new technologies. Technologies such as:
= Realistic shading & lighting
= Real-time soft shadowing
= Real-time PER PIXEL shading
= High-Quality real-time rendering
New Doom Engine (ID Software)
Neverwinter Nights
Note: The first movie does not have the new real-time shadowing effects that the GeForce 3 offers. The second movie does. In this movie you seen REAL-TIME in game effects like you see in the New Doom Engine.
Note: They have scheduled release for the GeForce 3 in late March for the MAC and earlier April for the PC. This GPU's release ain't far away at all!!!
So the question originally was, Will Unreal 2 Engine have these effects in their engines for Unreal 2 or Unreal Warfare (a.k.a. Unreal Tournament 2)?
Depending on release times, I'd say YES! I am going to look for that answer more in detail, and write another post on my findings. If the release of either of these games is at earliest December of 2001, I would think Epic's Unreal Engine would be behind the times without all these NEW effects. Especially since Neverwinter Nights and Doom will probably be released shortly after that.
However, the facts state that yes these GPU will provide us with in game graphics we THOUGHT we could only dream of.
UT Tech Demo:
This is part of the Unreal 2 engine. It's simply Technology they put into UT's code (MOD) to support increased polygon levels, wire frame animations, and large scale terrain; as well as many other things. Remember UT Engine is nothing more then an enhanced Unreal 1 engine.
[Note: In this demo, as well as the article concerning it nothing is mentioned about the new GeForce 3 Technology. However, that is only because the GeForce 3 technology didn't exist when the article was written. Also note these features will NEVER be seen in the original UT... see "Unreal Warfare" below]
Below is a link to an article that talks about these features in detail.
Unreal Warefare:
This is a codename of some sorts for what will be the sequel to Unreal Tournament. I'm sure this will support all the current technology the UT and Unreal 2 engines have put in place, as well as many other features we don't know about (I would guess).
Not much is known about this project. Perhaps soon enough the guys at Epic or Planet Unreal will release some info. All I can tell you is the domain name unrealwarfare.com is taken and registered to one:
The same name is also the owner of the domain unrealtournament.com, which has an organization name of "Epic MegaGames, Inc.". This shows proof that Epic has registered the domain unrealwarfare.com.
INTERESTING... isn't it?
SORRY about the HUGH post. Just thought the information about GeForce 3 should be clear and you all have the most information you can possibly get about current and up and coming technologies concerning the Unreal Engine.