[u1][ut] Unreal PSX / Rise of JRath

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Successor of Almarion
Jan 12, 2006
Warsaw, PL
Developer: Leo(T.C.K.) & co.

Developing / Episode 0 and 1 released!





Synopsis: A bounty hunter hired by Inuit Corporation is sent to Na Pali to find the wreck of the Vortex Rikers and recover several experimental military AI implants as well as apprehend any prisoners that might still be alive. This leads to the opening of a true Pandora's Box when it's revealed that the dreaded Skaarj aren't the only enemies around.

- ~30 all-original missions separated into smaller levels
- A new weapon allowing the player to take control over certain enemies
- Storyline related to the official Unreal novels
- New deadly enemies: in-your-head AI opponents, a hostile Nali sect, a remnant of an ancient civilization and more...

Latest News: Episodes 0 and 1 fully ready!

- ModDB
- Original project thread @ BUF (closed for replies)
- Project thread @ UT99.org
- Nathan Silvers' site (original cancelled project)

Important Notice: This is a rework/remake of a cancelled PlayStation port of Unreal initially developed by Pterodactyl Software, Ltd. Leo(T.C.K.) has recovered almost complete set of maps and is currently bringing them on par with current Unreal versions as well as filling in the blanks with the help of other talented and devoted individuals. Full cast & crew and extended info in comments (in the post below, if you're using the forum to view this).


Episode 0: The Horror Deck

Download @ ModDB

Episode 1 Part 1:

Download @ ModDB

Episode 1 Part 2 with updates included:

Download @ ModDB


I did something m0tarded and now I have read only access! :(
May 14, 2006
Now all my old threads got locked again after that spambot went into stuff. I wanted to post some additional info in the old steele dawn thread but I guess I'll have to do it standalone.

On top of it I've been having dreams about expansion packs/level packs for Unreal like one appearing on a cover cd exclusively, it was like a 28 level pack, it was just a dream but you know...PARALLEL UNIVERSES ARE DREAMS
I can't take it with me TO THIS UNIVERSE YOU SEE.

And there's the thing about a short level pack which has a VR ship that looks different (diff than psx or release/beta) maybe based on some draft or maybe it was the canned dreamcast version but it was just like 8 levels at most but they were all different/unique. I don't know what it was but I dreamt about it.