As i played UT2003 a while ago, the server 'gave' me this talkmessage thingy. Everytime someone stoped to talk, a small bubble poped up over their head saying "Talking"
I thought this would be a great asset to the JB2003 mod, as you might have noticed in Unreal, when someone stops to talk, they put their hand to their head but in UT2003, its hard to tell. (they kinda lower their gun)
Maybe this would help in Unreal, is this something Wormbo can magicly appear or is this a bad idea?
I thought this would be a great asset to the JB2003 mod, as you might have noticed in Unreal, when someone stops to talk, they put their hand to their head but in UT2003, its hard to tell. (they kinda lower their gun)
Maybe this would help in Unreal, is this something Wormbo can magicly appear or is this a bad idea?