Two ued 3.0 and one 3ds max questions

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New Member
Jun 10, 2001
Well first of all hello guys!Been a while seence ive been here!Im in the middle of a new Map when i got some problems i have to solve,I hope to get some help!

#First the Ued question wich i cant find any information on(SUNLIGHT)
I tryed to create 1 sunlight out from a normal light (turned the sunlight on in the properties tab in the lightoption)
The problem is that the level is totally black,How do i create sunlight in Ued 3.0?

#(Mesh question)i have created 1 mesh (Pretty complex) 1300 polys wich will be my eviroment in the map.Shuld i take the mesh apart and split it up to smaler pieces or can i have one big mesh?Is there any advantage with 1 big mesh or smaler meshes?

#Now to the Max question!I have created a big mesh as i said before,Its a rock mesh and i want to get a nice texture on it(So far so god) When i applyed the Uvw map (Planar) i then applyed the Unwrap Uvw modefire and choosed flatten mapping,Now to the part i have problems with ,in some places i get streched textures ,I just choosed flatten mapping and did nothing becuse i dont understand Uvw that good.Can someone plz get me some tip when creating terrain such rocks and surfaces that isnt flat ,hm hard to explain,If you take a tree for an example how do i set the Uvw and Unwrap Uvw so the texture looks good?Thanks guys!/Thewiruz
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The one ping to rule them all
As for the UV map your experiencing strechting because your enviroment is not all flat, and using planr mapping is just taking a shot of it from one axis. If that makes sense? You need to take multible planar maps to get the desired results. If you had a cliff for example you would use an axis that best suits its position.