TwelveBaud's Sig

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Registered Loser
Feb 29, 2004
McLean, VA, US
Just so you can decipher my sig, here it is:

The sig is 80 pixels high and variable though relatively stable in length. it consists exclusively of dynamically generated components.

The first component is Sig4. Basically, it's a hit counter that tracks hosts seperately. It is a PHP script that records the hit in MySQL and passes off to some custom VB code to render the sig. Simple.

Next is Avatar4. I usually use it for my avatar, but can't here. It is a thin PHP shell around a VB program that makes a whole load of GIF's counting down until June 18 2004 10:50 EST (when my school gets out) and then uses an alternate program to animate them.

Finally is JBStat. It polls the JB Mothership server for its stats page. If it times out it displays a DOWN image. Otherwise it checks for "Remaining Time: 15:00". If it's there it displays an EMPTY image, or else it displays an UP image. Simple. I'll kill it if Sexmachine doesn't like it, but that's okay by me.

[edit](No players) doesn't always work, as evidenced by it currently being tied 0-0 in a 1v1 bot match. So instead I'm checking for remaining time equalling 15:00, the time limit, which will always be true when the game is not running. Also, the chance for false empties is slim, 1/9 of a percent.[/edit]
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