trouble hitting me when I crouched...

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No Soup For You

I got your PM right HERE!
The aimbot user I met today (the one with the sniper in face) had some trouble hitting me when I crouched..........


Hahaheee Boyeez?!?!?!? uze al lauff n stuff wehn ur not knowign abuot DuX n r infisiable skilz???**! im thinkgn now mebbe ur are knoing bettre wat DuX r talkign bout hahasahaa !?!?!??

use r all makign messieys n ur pants caus of armboots wen Duxes ar alwyas alredy kicn armboots a$$ezz !!?!! swat im talkgn abut ?!?!?!

now fro sur ervyone si wantin to eb Dux caln or r trygin to eb infisiables but gess wat armboot mebbe not see u but Duxes wil an u wil hav a lunch wih mr airboinkstin thign ?!?!?! wooothootyhoot?!?!?!? I half 2 frgs no pohbos n meny mor what not wit all teh armboot cheter trds .r everywhere now?!?!?!? Thos bi0thces nver wil see it be comming hahahasaheeeee!?!?

So mebbe now use all cen stop wit puttign pee n stuff n ur udnerpant cawse of armboots caus Duxes wil soone be makign thme extinstorzzz?!?! Yeahaaboyeeezzzz?!?!?

DuXorz rock your nutzes u knowit?!?!?!?!?
Aug 7, 2000
Kewl.....but didn't I say that 3-4 days ago?

Try writing your post in English....then,maybe some other people can read! Never thought of that,did you?



New Member
Mar 6, 2000
The point is that you can't get a headshot when crouched! That's all.
And you should really get away from those drugs.
Aug 7, 2000
I know you can't get a headshot when crouched........but this guy couldn't even hit me.......that's the reason I wrote this........



Earning my Infrequent Flier miles
Aug 10, 2000
Does anyone have ANY idea what this guy is trying to say!?!?

I'd like to buy a vowel......

can you post in english maybe? :D

Don't bother insulting me, if you're going to insult me at least get words like "the", "my", "very" right so I can read it :D


Earning my Infrequent Flier miles
Aug 10, 2000
May happs you kant undastanz us, buts we repreezents DuX to da fullllest. Wen we sees dem cheetin laimbots we sneekz up on em puts the airboinkstin thing in ther bummz! We gonna git rid of all dem laimbot sukuz paylin UT turnamint. BWT I dont preciate whenz dudez be tryin to disss us. We just tryin to keepz it on da down low, when we sneekz up on peeplez. so -5 shood applegize to us fro hims rude boy commints!


New Member
Nov 7, 2000
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hallowz agin to allz!

it had bin a leng times sanse i has posting on to you hear!

i ams hears too tells eberyvodies thas i had helpig to founded these caln a lung time ergo - ans one thin is thats i no wee are INFISIABLES!! aaaaahahahahahaha1

dears 8675309,
i no hows to founded these caln lung ergo and i canz tell yoo ones theenk aboot yourself - and this is that we are INFISIBL0RZ! AAAAHAHAHAHAH !

ans leek mai too co horse say to alls of yoo, none of the bodies thats alway tries too use a aimb0rtz onto uss it only goinngs to reports baccs to dem ans say thats WEE ARE INFISIABL0RZZZZZ AAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!



Skilled<br><img src="
Jun 17, 2000

Objects in forums are closer than they appear.

Interesting. Give a man a brain and he will learn to use it. Give him a tongue with which to speak and he KNOWS how to abuse it.


Oct 30, 2000
Chicago, IL
I'd like to be around when DUX is setting up a match with one of the many English speaking clans in the UT community. If it takes 1-2 hours for 2 normal clans to get a match started it must take the DUX guys 5-6 hours of setup time. :)

"yoo ones theenk alway triez too uze tat basdad surver whre mi peng iz infisiable. we just tryin to keepz it on da down low so getz uss onne typeo goo surveor so wez cann playz yooo infizisable like."


Earning my Infrequent Flier miles
Aug 10, 2000
Originally posted by [PuF]Survey_Says
"yoo ones theenk alway triez too uze tat basdad surver whre mi peng iz infisiable. we just tryin to keepz it on da down low so getz uss onne typeo goo surveor so wez cann playz yooo infizisable like."
Im sorri ]PooF[sirvay-sez. I cants undastanz wutt yuus talkin bout!


Rumpshaking Moderator
Mar 28, 2000
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In the "Who is the best UT clan" thread, I picked [DuX], cause they keep it on the down low.

Turns out I was more right then I knew. Not only are they the best UT clan, they are the only UT clan that is completely immune to the aimbot. If an aimbot d00d joins a server with the [DuX] he is in for trouble, cause the [DuX] are invisible.

I bet all the aimbot users are afraid to hit the servers now cause the [DuX] are after them and noone messes with the [DuX]!!!

The [DuX] clan has saved UT!!!! We should all send all our money and our women to the [DuX], cause they keep it on the down low.

For those of you who can't understand what the [DuX] are talking about, you may have missed the original thread where they explained how they are invisible cause they keep it on the down low. They also have a way to talk to each other by putting words on the screen that THE OTHER TEAM CANT SEE IT!!! How can anybody fight against that. I hope some [DuX] will show up to an ]LoL[ practice and maybe give us a few tips ;)

For example, maybe you can explain what this airbonkstin thing is you keep talking about. Is it a kind of gun? Can you give me some hints?